
yà mù
  • suborder
  1. 螳螂;在某些分类中,被认为是直翅目的一个亚目。

    Mantises ; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera .

  2. 8个群落中小型土壤动物共有优势类群为甲螨亚目。

    Small communities there are dominant groups of soil animals suborder Oribatida .

  3. 基于COⅡ全基因的差翅亚目分子系统学研究(昆虫纲:蜻蜓目)

    Molecular Phylogenic Study to Anisoptera Based on CO ⅱ Complete Gene ( Insecta : Odonata );

  4. 蝽科部分种类线粒体COⅡ基因分子进化与系统发育研究(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Some Species of Pentatomidae ( Hemiptera : Heteroptera ) Inferred from CO ⅱ Gene Sequence ;

  5. 基于18Srdna序列研究腺介虫亚目系统5发育关系

    Preliminary Study on Phylogenetic Relationships of Cypridocopina ( Ostracoda : Podocopida ) Based on 18S rDNA Sequences

  6. 基于COI基因的蜻科种类分子系统学研究(蜻蜓目:差翅亚目)

    Molecular Phylogenic Study to Species of Libellulidae ( Odonata : Anisoptera ) Based on COI Gene ;

  7. 基于形态特征和COI基因的粉螨重要类群系统发育研究(蜱螨亚纲:粉螨亚目)

    Studies on Phylogenetic Relationships among Some Important Groups of Acaroid Mites Based on Morphological Characters and COI Gene ( Acari : Acaridida );

  8. 中国松叶蜂属(Diprion)昆虫研究(膜翅目广腰亚目松叶蜂科)

    Sawflies of the genus diprion from China ( hymenoptera , symphyta : diprionidae )

  9. 甲螨属于蛛形纲,蜱螨亚纲,甲螨亚目。

    The oribatid mites belong to arachnida , acari and oribatida .

  10. 这是仅有的几种无色的裸腮亚目动物之一。

    This species is one of the few colorless nudibranchs .

  11. 鱼类的一个目,属于包含鲶鱼的软鳍亚目。

    An order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes .

  12. 浙江省鹬虻科三新种(双翅目:短角亚目)

    Three New Species of Rhagionidae from Zhejiang ( Brachycera : Diptera )

  13. 为害经济作物的二种甲螨(真螨目:甲螨亚目)

    Two oribatid mites injurious to economic plants ( acariformes : oribatida )

  14. 但这并不能完全解释兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的缺位。

    But that does not completely explain the absence of theropod tracks .

  15. 粗糙集在粉螨亚目螨种智能鉴别中的应用研究

    Application of Rough Set in Intelligent Distinction of Species of Acaroid Mites

  16. 莱阳盆地双翅目长角亚目昆虫化石

    Fossil insects ( diptera , nematocera ) of Laiyang basin in Shandong Province

  17. 广西舞虻科三新种记述&双翅目:短角亚目

    Three New Species of Empididae From Guangxi-Diptera : Brachycera

  18. 这是一种兽脚亚目肉食恐龙。

    The type of dinosaur that was found is known as a theropod .

  19. 已灭绝的陆地爬虫动物;兽脚亚目恐龙(食肉);蜥脚类动物(食草)。

    Extinct terrestrial reptiles : theropods ( carnivorous ); sauropods ( herbivorous ) .

  20. 原长翅蝎蛉亚目化石在中国陕西铜川地区首次发现

    First discovery of fossil Protomecoptera in the Tongchuan region , Shaanxi , China

  21. 树鼩;某些分类上树鼩被认为属于原猴亚目的灵长类。

    Tree shrews ; in some classifications tree shrews are considered prosimian primates .

  22. 猿科动物亚目中的成员,包括猴子、猿和原人。

    Any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids .

  23. 北美蚧亚目(HOMOPTERA:COCCINEA)分类学研究进展及现状

    Status of systematics of scale insects ( homoptera : coccinea ) in North America

  24. 优势类群蚁科、甲螨亚目、线蚓科3类。

    Formicidae dominant groups , a mite suborder , line Lumbricidae in Class 3 .

  25. 猎蝽科一新属二新种(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    A new genus and two new species of Reduviidae ( hemiptera : heteroptera )

  26. “蜥蜴亚目四足爬虫类的统称,约3000种”

    " Any of about 3,000 species of reptiles constituting the suborder Sauria . "

  27. 这些恐龙经常被兽脚亚目食肉恐龙捕食。

    Frequently , these were taken by theropods .

  28. 鲭亚目中的多种鱼,体型和特征介于鲭鱼和金枪鱼之间。

    Any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas .

  29. 它属裸鳃亚目它结合叶绿体在体内当它的能源。

    It 's a nudibranch that has incorporated chloroplast inside it to drive its energy .

  30. 在有些分类中作为食肉动物的一个亚目。食肉目哺乳动物的系统发育学研究概述

    In some classifications considered a suborder of Carnivora . Summary of Phylogeny in Mammalian Order Carnivora