
hǎi tǎ
  • sea otter;Enhydra lutris
海獭[hǎi tǎ]
  1. 海獭是一种稀珍的哺乳动物。

    The sea otter is a rare and valuable mammal .

  2. 蒙特里湾水族馆还在努力保护海獭。

    The Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter .

  3. 经济学家们说,竞争把海獭推到了灭绝的边缘。

    The economists say the competition otter to the brink of extinction .

  4. 麝鼠皮在质量上几乎和海獭皮不相上下。

    Muskrat fur almost equals beaver fur in quality .

  5. 今年2月份,尼泊尔航空公司(NepalAirlines)一架加拿大产的海獭式双涡轮螺旋桨飞机坠毁,机上18人全部遇难,这是2008年以来该国第七起造成人员丧生的商用客机坠毁事故,这七起事故共造成125人遇难。

    In February , a Nepal Airlines Canadian-made Twin Otter turboprop crashed , killing all 18 onboard , in Nepal 's seventh fatal commercial aircraft crash since 2008 , killing a total of 125 people .

  6. 海獭用泥土、枝和树叶在河里筑水坝。

    The beaver dammed the stream with mud , branches and leaves .

  7. 你以前是公鸡?我是海獭。

    You were the cock ? I was the beaver .

  8. 而又当海狮的数量变少后,虎鲸又开始猎杀海獭了。

    When the sea lion population crashed , they started fishing sea otters .

  9. 第二个将要实现这一成就的王国是一种海獭。

    The second kingdom to accomplish this is a form of sea otter .

  10. 不,只是和这个岛连接的水域和海獭聚居的地方。

    No , only that which touches the island and where the otter live .

  11. 10.加利福尼亚近海的海獭

    10.Sen Otters off the Coast of California

  12. 我有只海獭也叫山姆-你的海獭叫山姆?

    My sea otter 's name is Sam. - Is your sea otter 's name Sam ?

  13. 员工和海獭扮成圣诞老人和驯鹿的样子令在场的观众很高兴。

    Employees , and sea otters are dressed as Santa Claus and reindeers , attracting the audience .

  14. 亚当:对。有一种海獭的栖息地也受到危害。

    Adam : Yes , there 's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened .

  15. 在那些逆戟鲸很容易进入的海域,海獭的数量急剧减少。

    In those locations that orcas can access easily , the number of sea otters has declined greatly .

  16. 如果污染造成的疾病感染导致了海獭数量的剧减,那么情况不该如此。

    That 's not what you would expect if infections caused by pollution started killing a lot of otters .

  17. 而那些过浅和充满岩石的海域,恰恰是海獭数量保持稳定的地区。

    And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter populations have not declined .

  18. 目前的研究表明天敌捕食是最可能导致海獭数量减少的原因。

    Well , ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most likely cause of sea otter decline after all .

  19. 海獭数量的增减取决于它们生存的地方逆戟鲸是不是可以进入。

    What happens to otters seems to depend on whether the location where they live is accessible to orcas or not .

  20. 在野生世界中每只海獭都有自己喜欢的海鲜以及自己的觅食技巧。

    In the wild , every otter has its own favorite seafood , and its own technique for getting at the goodies .

  21. 捕食者杀死了海獭后,会很快地吃掉它,那么我们也就不会再岸上发现海獭尸体了。

    If an otter is killed by a predator , it 's eaten immediately so it can 't wash up on shore .

  22. 俄勒冈动物园的工作人员必须要想办法帮助海獭埃迪对抗关节炎疾病。

    Keepers at the Oregon Zoo had to come up with a way to help Eddie the Sea Otter cope with arthritis .

  23. 这意味在实施海上石油项目时就不必将海獭作为考虑的因素,也不必保护它们,免遭渔民偶然捕获。

    That means otters don 't have to be considered during offshore oil projects and aren 't protected from incidental take by fishermen .

  24. 第三,海獭数量变化的不均衡性恰好表明了逆戟鲸捕食理论比污染理论更合理。

    And third , the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation theory than by the pollution theory .

  25. 海獭是一种生活在北美西海岸从加州到阿拉斯加沿线的小型海洋哺乳动物。

    The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska .

  26. 其中有一些海獭不能放回野外,它得在水族馆中养着,让它们在水里快速游泳和做游戏来娱乐游客。

    The ones that cannot be released are kept in the aquarium and entertain visitors by swimming quickly and playing tricks in the water .

  27. 该地的水样显示水中化学物的含量增加,其数量可以导致海獭对于对于一些致命感染丧失抵抗力,进而间接导致数量下降。

    Water samples from the area revealed increased levels of chemicals that could decrease the otters'resistance to life-threatening infections and thus could indirectly cause their deaths .

  28. 然而,1939年,人们在大苏尔海岸再次发现了这种标志性的哺乳动物,从那以后,加州海獭在渐渐的复出。

    But the iconic mammal was rediscovered on the Big Sur coast in1939 , and has been making a gradual comeback ever since & or had been .

  29. 美国加州蒙特利湾水族馆制定了一项雄心勃勃的计划:抚养海獭幼崽,并教会小海獭们所有他们可能从父母处学会的东西。

    At the Monterey Bay Aquarium an ambitious program to raise abandoned sea otter pups was designed to teach the otters everything they would have learned from their mothers .

  30. 科学家说,一些动物物种,包括海獭,港海豹,丑角鸭子,鲱鱼,还没有恢复过来泄漏的负面影响。

    And scientists say some animal species , including sea otters , harbor seals , harlequin ducks , and herring , have yet to recover from the spill 's negative effects .