- sea level

The melting ice caused a rise in sea level .
The whole place is at sea level
Ocean levels are rising .
Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea
Continued deposition of silt along the coast is crucial in counteracting the rise in sea level
The sea may rise or the land may fall ; either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time .
It is 2,300 metres above sea level , so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level
Some cities are below sea level .
The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world 's lowest-lying basin , the lowest point being 154 metres below sea level .
For cartographical purposes heights are necessarily recorded above the geoid ( sea-level ) .
The Ebro Delta , in Spain , famous as a battleground during the Spanish Civil War , is now the setting for a different contest , one that is pitting rice farmers against two enemies : the rice-eating giant apple snail , and rising sea levels .
Warming waters are known to contribute to coral bleaching and they take up more space than cooler waters , raising sea levels .
Human activity was “ unequivocally ” the cause of rapid changes to the climate , including sea level rises , melting polar ice and glaciers , heat waves , floods and droughts .
Sea levels are expected to rise 2 to 3 meters by 2300 even if warming is kept below 2 degrees , but could reach 5 to 7 meters or higher if warming continues unabated .
On that expedition from the UK to the Falklands , Katsia used what 's essentially1 a large ocean-going sieve2 with a very fine mesh3 to drag through the top 200 metres of the sea at different locations .
This matters because the Greenland ice sheet is so large that if all of it melted the global sea level would rise by seven metres - around 20 feet . No one is suggesting that could happen soon .
Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands , if not hundreds of thousands of years , and some changes already set in motion -- such as continued sea level rise -- are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years .
Absolute Change Monitoring of Sea Level with High Precision GPS Data and Tide Gauge Data
The possible impact to the Pearl River Delta of global warming and sea level rise by increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
The SAR image of ocean scene obtained by SAR simulation is used to carry out many ocean research and detection .
The Kriging algorithm was used to realize spatial interpolation of weather data .
The Global Positioning System ( GPS ) is able to make a direct or indirect measurement of the sea surface position that is so called GPS altimetry .
Applied singular spectrum analysis , trend of sea level change was analyzed and discussed .
Variations of ratio of ~ ( 87 ) sr / ~ ( 86 ) sr in seawater with time : implications for sea level changes and global correlation
Geosat / erm satellite altimeter data processing and the mean sea surface in the region of China Sea
The simulative sea level pressure of four CPSs showed large difference , in which the GR scheme had better simulated the high , low systems and mesoscale cyclone .
Relative sea level change along south coast of Hainan Island during the past 40 A
Based on monthly COADS SSTA dataset , linear inverse modeling ( LIM ) is developed to predict SSTA over tropical Indian Pacific Oceans .
Morphological response of the Friesian inlet to sea-level rise and land subsidence
Six experiments are made by using POP model to stimulate the characters of seasonal sea level variation under different conditions of thermal forcing , and to discuss the thermal mechanism of the seasonal variation of global sea level .