
bì hǔ
  • house lizard;Gekko japonicus;wall gecko;gecco
壁虎 [bì hǔ]
  • [gecko;house lizard] 爬行动物,身体扁平,四肢短,趾上有吸盘,能在壁上爬行。吃蚊、蝇、蛾等小昆虫,对人类有益。也叫蝎虎,旧称守宫

壁虎[bì hǔ]
  1. 多疣壁虎个体状态及一些贮能部位的季节变化

    Seasonal variations of individual conditions and some energy reserves in the gecko Gekko japonicus

  2. 壁虎这才放松下来,开心地吃掉蝎子的躯体。

    Then the gecko will relax itself and eat the scorpion happily .

  3. 这时霍华德才注意到,他的壁虎长大了。

    That 's when Harold realized . It was getting bigger .

  4. 这些蝎子更加生气,怒不可遏地多次向壁虎发动进攻。

    Fatherly angered by this , the scorpion attacks the gecko more fiercely .

  5. 那天晚上他想尽了办法才把壁虎挡在房门外,随后就沉沉的睡去了。

    That night he did everything he could to keep the Gecko out of his room . He fell into a deep sleep .

  6. 其实他并不喜欢壁虎天天在家里跑来跑去的,但是如果不那样的话一只壁虎怎么对付一千只蟑螂呢(但相对于容忍上千只蟑螂来说,一只壁虎又算得了什么呢)?

    He didn 't like the gecko running around his house all the time , but what 's one gecko to a thousand roaches ?

  7. 只有一个地方他们没有检查,那就是床底下,壁虎其实就在那儿——还是那么大,但是终于吃饱了。

    The only place they didn 't check was under the bed , where the gecko was - big as ever , and full at last .

  8. 当壁虎与蝎子相遇时,壁虎总是用尾巴去招惹没有视力的蝎子,蝎子被侵犯后,大为恼怒,于是用尾巴的毒针猛力向壁虎蜇去。

    When a gecko meets with a scorpion1 , the gecko will always provoke the scorpion that has no eyesight with its tail . Angered by the provocation2 , the scorpion will sting the gecko with the poisonous sting of its tail .

  9. 壁虎看见了身旁最近的一只蟑螂后马上就跟着钻到冰箱底下去了,随即他听见一阵很大的声音“咕咚!咕咚!”,像是壁虎吞下蟑螂的时候发出来的。“好,至少它已经开始工作了。

    He saw the gecko run under the refrigerator after the nearest cockroach it saw . " Well , at least he is doing his job . " he said after he heard the loud " GECKO , GECKO , " sound that geckos make when they swallow .

  10. 红斑大壁虎与黑斑大壁虎细胞色素b基因序列差异与分化进行性先天性红斑角化病

    Sequence Variation and Differentiation of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene of Red Gekko gecko and Black Gekko gecko

  11. 基于ADAMS的大壁虎地面爬行仿真

    Simulation of Gecko Ground Crawl Based on ADAMS

  12. 可是max就变成壁虎了。

    But Max is being a gecko .

  13. Full博士和同事后来又发现了其他具有类似特性的生物,它们同样具有钩状的脚趾并擅长逃离追杀,比如壁虎。

    Dr Full and his colleagues have since identified similar behaviour in other animals with hooklike toes that are good at escaping pursuit : geckos , for example .

  14. 壁虎属三种壁虎几种组织中LDH同工酶的比较

    The Comparative Study on LDH Isozymes of Six Tissues of Three Species of Gekko

  15. 鲜壁虎提取物抑制C6胶质瘤细胞增殖和诱导凋亡的研究

    Effects of natural extraction of gecko in inducing apoptosis and antiproliferation of C6 glioma cells

  16. 基于HSV空间的大壁虎脑图谱图像分割研究

    Study of Image Segmentation in Gekko Gecko ′ s Brain Atlas Based on HSV Color Space

  17. 壁虎能够攀附在光滑的表面,来自艾姆赫斯特学院(AmherstCollege)的科学家们研究了其中的奥秘,以模拟开发一种可重复使用的面料用来悬挂重物。

    Amherst University scientists studied how geckos cling flat to surfaces to develop a copycat reusable fabric for hanging heavy loads .

  18. 大壁虎线粒体12SRRNA基因片段的两种单倍型

    Two haplotypes of Gekko gecko on the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences

  19. 目的研究鲜壁虎提取液对C6胶质瘤细胞的致凋亡作用及其方式。

    Objective To study the mode of the action of the natural extraction of gecko on C6 glioma cells .

  20. 结论含鲜壁虎血清能够诱导细胞凋亡,其机制可能与上调bax基因有关。

    Conclusion GFP contained serum could induce C6 glioma cell apoptosis , its mechanism might be related with the up regulation of bax gene .

  21. E及Golgi-Cox等染色方法研究了无蹼壁虎大脑皮层的组织学结构和细胞类型。

    And Golgi - Cox stain .

  22. 用12SRRNA基因全序列探讨了中国壁虎属(Gekko)七物种间的系统关系。

    12S rRNA gene sequences were used to reveal the phylogenetic relationships among seven species of the genus Gekko .

  23. 用不同浓度的干、鲜壁虎冻干粉灌服荷瘤小鼠10d后,分别计算抑瘤率、胸腺指数和脾脏指数。

    Rate of restraining tumor , index of thymus and spleen were calculated after 10 days ' treatment .

  24. 采用长PCR扩增、克隆和引物步行等方法,测定了大壁虎(Gekkogecko)线粒体基因组全序列。

    Long-PCR amplification , clone and primer-walking sequencing methods were employed in determine the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome of tokay ( Gekko gecko ) .

  25. 结果形态学变化、流式细胞仪分析和TUNEL法结果均证实含鲜壁虎血清在体外可诱导C6胶质瘤细胞凋亡;

    Results The C6 glioma cell apoptosis induction of GFP contained serum in vitro could be confirmed by morphological examination , flow cytometry analysis and TUNEL method .

  26. 本文报道中国壁虎(Gekkochinensis)形态特征、食性和雌性繁殖的基础数据。中国壁虎是中国特有种,但人们对该种的生物学特征知之甚少。

    Some basic data on morphological traits , food habits and female reproduction were reported for the Chinese gecko ( Gekko chinensis ) , a species that is endemic to China but its biological traits remain poorly known .

  27. 但是,美国国际部先进研究项目局(DARPA)研发的“壁虎爪”可以替代蜘蛛侠手脚上毛发的功能。基于对壁虎爬行的观察,他们研制出的壁虎爪能够吸附于物体表面并能使人们垂直爬行。

    A possible alternative to hairy hands and feet is to use DARPA 's " Gecko Paddles . " Based on the way geckos climb , these paddles stick to surfaces and allow people to climb vertically .

  28. 结果壁虎粉和氨茶碱组BALF中EOS含量明显低于哮喘模型组,病理学提示壁虎粉能抑制局部炎症细胞浸润、保护气管粘膜的完整性。

    Result EOS in BALF of gekko powder group and theophylline group was significantly lower than that in asthma group . It suggested by pathological change that the gekko powder can inhibit the invasion of the inflammatory cells and protect the intactness of the mucous membrane .

  29. 仿壁虎粘附阵列与粗糙表面间粘附仿真分析

    Adhesion simulation analysis between biomimetic gecko adhesion array and rough surface

  30. 首先对壁虎的粘附及脱离机理进行研究。

    At first , the attachment and detachment mechanism are studied .