
bì kān
  • niche;alcove;recess;mihrab;tokonoma;aedicula
壁龛 [bì kān]
  • [niche;alcove] 安置在墙壁内的小阁子

壁龛[bì kān]
  1. 在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。

    Above him , in a niche on the wall , sat a tiny veiled Ganesh , the elephant god

  2. 干细胞壁龛功能的研究进展

    The progress in studies on the functions of stem cell niche

  3. 那些壁龛用金色的星星作装饰,边缘则用漆绘着小一些的星星。

    The recesses are decorated with gold stars , with smaller stars painted along the edges .

  4. 神藏在庙宇壁龛的最深处。

    The deity was hidden in the deepest recesses of the temple .

  5. 调查组使用了红外摄像机、3D扫描仪和雷达来搜索这个地窖及其壁龛。

    The team of investigators used infrared cameras , 3D scanners and radar to search the crypt and its alcoves .

  6. 用FLUENT软件对安装开式壁龛(长深比L/D10)的超燃冲压发动机燃烧室内的高速可压缩流动进行冷态数值模拟,以方便处理试验结果。

    Numerical simulation of the inner supersonic compressible flow in a scramjet combustor with open cavities was carried out using FLUENT software to dispose the process of the experimental data .

  7. 随着干细胞研究的不断深入,人们愈来愈重视干细胞在机体组织中的居住环境&壁龛(niche)对干细胞的影响。

    Accompanying with further extension in the investigation of stem cells , the effects of niche that serves as their microenvironment in tissue on the functions of stem cells attract more and more attention .

  8. 高超声速进气道中壁龛式预燃室进气特性

    Characteristic of the entry of niche-like preburner in the hypersonic inlet

  9. 房间有个壁龛用来放书架。

    The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves .

  10. 壁龛里是神父的一圈灰色光晕,他正在那儿细心地穿上衣服[132]。

    The priest 's grey nimbus in a niche where he dressed discreetly .

  11. 你应该能看到一个有一个奖杯的壁龛。

    You should see an alcove with the trophy .

  12. 远离大房间的小的壁龛。

    A small recess opening off a larger room .

  13. 玛德琳小心翼翼地把它放在岩石壁龛里。

    Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche .

  14. 许多幼虫将坑道延伸扩大成壁龛。

    Some larvae extend the galleries to form niches .

  15. 另外一些石窟中深嵌着壁龛,里面是佛陀及其弟子真人大小的雕像。

    Others feature deep niches with life-size sculptures of Buddha and his disciples .

  16. 半圆壁龛的马赛克是由爱尔兰、匈牙利和波兰资助的。

    The mosaics in the apses were donated by Ireland , Hungary and Poland .

  17. 凹室,壁龛凹进处或部分被包围的延伸处,与一个房间相连或形成房间的一部分。

    A recess or partly enclosed extension connected to or forming part of a room .

  18. 塞伊耳相思树的木材,用于制作希伯来会堂内的经壁龛。

    Wood of the shittah tree used to make the ark of the Hebrew tabernacle .

  19. 在您的左边会有一个小壁龛过去一走动鸟。

    On your left there will be a small alcove past a bird walking around .

  20. 杜库从壁龛的角上看不太清楚另一个机器人。

    Dooku couldn 't quite see the other droid around the edge of the alcove .

  21. 我母亲很为我可惜,给了我一个壁龛,供我存放不断增多的收藏品。

    My mother took pity and gave me a dry alcove for my growing collection .

  22. 该式包括了射流通风的基本要素,壁龛的主要作用条件和影响系数。

    This relation contains the basic factor of jet ventilation and the geometry element of niche .

  23. 进门之后向右上方看,你将找到一个壁龛。

    When going through the door , look up and right and you 'll see an alcove .

  24. 鲁温学士把油灯安置在门边的壁龛里,胡乱捻着灯芯。

    Maester Luwin set the lamp in a niche by the door and fiddled with its wick .

  25. 铁路隧道壁龛式射流增压及其通风系统的优化分析

    Pressurization of Jet Flow in a Niche of Railroad Tunnel and Optimization Analyses of Its Ventilation System

  26. 研究这些造型深度允许创造各种穴,壁龛和壁橱。

    A study on sculpting these depths allowed to create a variety of cavities , niches and alcoves .

  27. 小橱,橱柜放置亚麻制品、家庭用品或衣服的橱柜或封闭的壁龛壁柜和衣橱专用制品

    A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens , household supplies , or clothing . WARDROBE AND CLOSET SPECIALTIES

  28. 事实上,石头是在圣堂靠近半圆壁龛处被发现的。

    As a matter of fact , the stone was found close by the apse of the church .

  29. 最先听到壁龛深处传出幽幽一声哼叫。

    The earliest indication I had of this was a low moaning cry from the depth of the recess .

  30. 谁知这时壁龛里传来一阵低沉的笑声,吓得我头发根根直立。

    But now there came from out the niche a low laugh that erected the hairs upon my head .