
bì huà
  • mural;fresco;wall painting
壁画 [bì huà]
  • [mural;fresco] 绘在墙面上的画

壁画[bì huà]
  1. 这座精品酒店立面上的壁画创作于2012年,由街头艺术团体AgentsofChang的4名成员完成。

    The boutique property 's signature , andseriously eye-catching , ' Marmite ' mural was pained in 2012 by four members ofstreet art collective , Agents of Chang .

  2. 有科技含量的展品比较出类拔萃:如由乐高积木拼成的壁画和“失落大学”(LostUniversity,迪士尼旗下的ABC电视网主打电视节目的网络衍生剧集)都大受喜爱。

    Some exhibits were better than others ( a shout-out to the the Lego mural and booth for " Lost University , " a clever new online spin-off of the hit TV show on Disney 's ABC network . )

  3. 这个,还有那些残存的湿壁画,都不是乔托的作品。

    This , and the remaining frescoes , are not attributed to Giotto .

  4. 也有几处保存完好的拜占庭时期的壁画。

    There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes .

  5. 当地教堂仍留有15世纪壁画的遗迹。

    The local church has traces of fifteenth-century frescoes

  6. 壁画在意大利教堂里是司空见惯的,以至于人们往往会视而不见。

    Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted

  7. 敦煌壁画是我国古代艺术中的瑰宝。

    The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art .

  8. 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊。窟内有壁画45,000余平方米。

    The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world 's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals .

  9. 这些壁画已年久失色。

    These murals have been discoloured with the passage of time .

  10. 敦煌壁画是中国艺术的瑰宝。

    The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of Chinese art .

  11. 壁画画师现在都去哪了?

    Where are all the fresco6 painters now ?

  12. 这次能让游客走访利物浦展览会,其中一个具有说服力的原因则是壁画得到了精心的重建。

    A careful reconstruction of the frieze is a persuasive reason for visiting Liverpool .

  13. 这些教堂里的壁画富丽堂皇

    The frescoes in these churches are magnificent .

  14. 壁画已经过时了。

    Painting is a thing of the past .

  15. 因此,研究视觉思维对壁画的影响和作用是十分必要的。

    So it is quite necessary to study the influence of visual thinking over fresco .

  16. Metro的分行机构正在纷纷挂起描绘百年前周边环境的怀旧大壁画,还有神奇钱币机(MagicMoneyMachines)可以在接受你的分币后吐出一张凭证,凭此到柜台换纸币。

    The Metro branches are spanking new , featuring giant , nostalgic murals depicting the neighborhood as it was a century ago , and magic money machines that take your pence and spit out a receipt you take to the counter to exchange for pound notes .

  17. 去年,窃贼从Kilrim遗址盗窃了价值连城的高句丽壁画。

    Last year , thieves stole priceless Koguryo frescos from the Kilrim site in China .

  18. 一名建筑师,艺术家和美国宇航局前插画,美国艺术家科特温纳氏惊人的艺术品召唤详细的街道都巴洛克宗教壁画和救助人Daliesque超现实的图像。

    An architect , artist and former NASA illustrator , american artist Kurt Wenner 's amazingly detailed street artworks conjure images of both Baroque religious murals and a Salvor Daliesque surrealism .

  19. 城市公共环境中的壁画艺术研究

    The Research of the Mural Art in the City Public Environment

  20. 谈建筑物大型染色玻璃拼帖壁画

    On the Collage Murals by Large Staining Glass Pieces in Buildings

  21. 他们呼出的二氧化碳正破坏着壁画。

    The carbon dioxide from their breath is damaging the paintings .

  22. 石窟壁画的材料表现与岩彩画的探讨

    A Probe on Material in Grotto Fresco and Colorful Rock Paintings

  23. 巫文化与长江流域的民间壁画

    Culture of Wu series and the fresco of Yangtze River basin

  24. 河北宣化辽代壁画墓

    A Liao Dynasty Tombs with Mural Paintings at Xuanhua , Hebei

  25. 照片:约西元六世纪,一幅描绘打猎的高句丽壁画。

    Phot A Koguryo mural of hunting , circa 6th Century AD.

  26. 壁画的时空建构与一般架上绘画相比体现为一种自由性和永恒性。

    Mostly , it embodies some characteristics of freedom and immutability .

  27. 因为下葬时壁画可能还没有干透。

    Because the paint on the walls was probably still wet .

  28. 论唐代墓室壁画仕女形象艺术风格的演进

    Artistic Style Development of the Maiden Images in Tang-dynasty Tomb Fresco

  29. 新探未来服饰壁画的生存空间

    It Is New to Explore the Future Dress Mural Exists the Space

  30. 如何使壁画艺术具有公共性?

    How to make mural art have the public characteristic ?