
  • 网络mural;Mural decoration;wall ornamentation;wall painting;Wall Accessories
壁饰 [bì shì]
  • [wall ornamentation] 装簧于墙壁上的饰物

  • 美丽的壁饰

  1. 超大的空间中处处可见创造性的设计,比如用书做成的壁饰和隧道。

    The airy space is filled with creatively repurposed volumes , including a mural and tunnel made out of books .

  2. 我在做这个课题研究时,看到国外陶瓷壁饰大量出现,且发展迅速。

    Doing the research , I have seen a great deal of ceramic mural decoration abroad appears and makes rapid progress .

  3. 现代室内壁饰艺术审美意趣论

    A Study on Aesthetics of Modern Indoor Wall Decoration and Design

  4. 壁饰、小品与室内设计

    Wall Ornaments , Small Decorative Articles and Interior Design

  5. 在众多的艺术门类中,陶瓷壁饰艺术的历史源远流长。

    In numerous art door , ceramic murals art has a long history .

  6. 壁饰草毯开发研究Ⅲ养护管理

    Research and development of grass tapestry on decorative wall III maintenance and management

  7. 面对纷繁复杂的壁饰,分类是研究的有效切入手段,陶瓷浮雕壁饰有多种类别划分。

    In the face of the complicated murals , classification is effective research methods .

  8. 壁饰草毯开发研究Ⅱ生产工艺技术

    Research and development of grass tapestry on decorative wall ( part-II ) & production techniques

  9. 论当代壁画与壁饰艺术中的简化特征

    The Reductionism of Contemporary Murals and Tapestry

  10. 现代壁饰艺术的美学特征

    Aesthetic Features of Modern Wall Decoration

  11. 室内装饰浮雕壁饰设计初探

    Design of Interior Relief Wall Sculpture

  12. 时尚浮雕壁饰来自中国的雕塑

    The sculpture from China Relief coatings

  13. 陶瓷壁饰艺术与其它艺术形式最大的不同点就是具有鲜明的建筑属性。

    Ceramic murals art and other forms of art is the biggest differences with distinctive architectural attributes .

  14. 第四章从环境艺术的角度分析现代陶瓷壁饰广泛应用的前景及其形式特征。

    At last from the point of view of the art of environment , I show its foreground and characteristic .

  15. 本论文横向从中国和外国两部分对陶瓷壁饰的发展历史和应用情况进行了阐述;

    In this thesis , from Chinese and overseas part I expatiate history of the development and application of ceramic mural decoration breadthwise .

  16. 陶瓷浮雕壁饰的研究在对其工艺的探索和理论总结中拓宽陶瓷艺术的研究范围,避免陶瓷浮雕壁饰重实践轻理论的不平衡性。

    Research on ceramic reliefs of broaden the research scope of ceramic art avoid ceramic reliefs of heavy practice imbalance theory of light .

  17. 因此,我认为有关陶瓷壁饰的应用研究无论在理论上和还是实践上,都变得相当重要了。

    Therefore , I think the relevant study of application of the ceramic mural decoration has become quite important in not only theory but also practice .

  18. 第三章介绍各个国家现代陶瓷壁饰的应用,以及工业化的现代墙壁砖。

    In the second chapter , there is the application of modern ceramic mural decoration in the various nations , along with modern wall brick that industrialize .

  19. 陶瓷壁饰作为一门独特的装饰艺术,在历史的长河中可谓是饱经风霜,它是文化、生活观念的载体。

    Ceramic murals as a distinct adornment art , in the river of history it is weather-beaten , it is the culture and life idea planted body .

  20. 现代壁饰在某种程度上为室内环境起到了缓冲作用,拓宽了室内的空间视野,增强了居室环境的美感因素。

    To a certain extent , it provides the indoor environment with a buffer function , broadens the spatial vision , and amplifies the aesthetic factors in the room .

  21. 在中国部分的章节里着重介绍了画像砖、琉璃饰面、砖刻等三种有代表性的壁饰形式。

    Then I introduce the three representative forms of mural decoration including brick of figure , the veneer of colored glaze and brick engraved in the chapters of Chinese part .

  22. 如今,国外不少工艺美术爱好者把皮影作为壁饰和橱窗装饰的欣赏品。皮影戏的内容,多为传统的历史戏、神话剧等。

    Nowadays , many arts and crafts-lovers overseas see shadow play as an art decoration of show case . Most contents of the shadow plays are historical stories and myths stories .

  23. 现代室内壁饰可以呈现出不同的视觉形式美、色彩情感美、材料肌理美,又因与环境高度协调而表现出环境和谐美。

    Modern indoor wall decoration and design can present varieties of visual beauty , color-based emotions , and material textural beauty . It can also show environmental harmony based on a high degree of harmony .

  24. 陶瓷浮雕壁饰在我国浓厚陶文化的烘托中以坚硬、耐磨损、抗腐蚀等优越性在壁面装饰中焕发着独特的魅力,它不仅美化环境而且能够提升空间的文化内涵增加审美情趣。

    The ceramic relievo is hard , wear-resistant , corrosion-resistant and full of unique charm in wall decoration . It not only prettifies the environment but also enhances the spatial culture connotation and increase the aesthetic appeal .

  25. 而本文就是从陶瓷壁饰的种类、造型、图案、以及在环境中的应用来综合分析陶瓷壁饰的,更详细的阐述了陶瓷壁饰这门艺术。

    But in this article is from the ceramic murals species , modelling , design , as well as in environmental applications to points comprehensive post-mortem wallhangings , ceramic more detail of the ceramic murals this art .

  26. 在立足社会精神需求和对陶瓷浮雕壁饰需求量加大的现状,通过对这种工艺创作手法和应用的研究,促进陶瓷浮雕壁饰的发展。

    Based on the social spiritual needs and present situation of ceramic reliefs of increased demand , through the study of the process of creation and application , abundant ceramic art and promote the development of ceramic relievo murals .

  27. 因而,在艺术设计过程中,既要注重与建筑环境的和谐统一,又要充分发挥壁饰艺术在建筑环境中的积极作用,使建筑艺术与壁饰艺术互为补充,相得益彰。

    Therefore , in mural-decoration design , harmony between this form of art and its construction environment is crucial . To make mural-decoration art conducive to the construction environment , we must make the two complementary and foil to each other so as to set off each other 's merit .