
  • 网络acrylic paint;Acrylic color
  1. 丙烯颜料可用来创作单一色调的大幅图块。

    Acrylic paints can be used to create large , flat blocks of colour .

  2. 然而,斯图尔特携手数千名世界各地的艺术家,共同打造出的这款黑到飞起的丙烯颜料—BLACK2.0,不但拥有近似樱桃的气味,而且运送方便,人人可得。

    Stuart , however , collaborated with thousands of artists around the globe to create BLACK 2.0 , an abysmally dark acrylic paint that smells like cherries and can be shipped to anyone anywhere .

  3. 水性的用水粉颜料、丙烯颜料均可。

    The water-based paints with gouache , acrylic paint can .

  4. 它所含有的一种特殊丙烯酸共聚物粘合剂,使之较其它丙烯颜料能够着色更深。

    Its unique acrylic co-polymer binder enables more pigment load than any other acrylic paint .

  5. 喜欢用的颜料:全规格丙烯颜料,大幅肖像画用油彩。

    Favorite medium : acrylics for full figures , and oil paints for large portraits .

  6. 丙烯颜料属于人工合成的聚合颜料,是颜料粉调和丙烯酸乳胶制成的。

    Acrylic paint is a synthetic polymer paint , pigment powder is made to reconcile acrylic latex .

  7. 这个艺术家使用粘土和丙烯颜料为每一双回收的鞋子赋予了它们自己的个性和面部表情。

    The artist uses clay and acrylic paint to give each recycled shoe its own personality and facial expression .

  8. 解国平在画布上以丙烯颜料作画,他大规模使用单色圆点,营造出一种摄影记者式的氛围。

    Working in acrylic on canvas , Xie uses monochrome dots on a large scale to evoke a photojournalistic mood .

  9. 丙烯颜料是现代科学技术发展的结晶,丙烯画也是一门年轻的画种。

    The propylene paint is the result of scientific technological advance , and the propylene painting is a young style of paintings .

  10. 丙烯颜料的出现推动了现代艺术的发展,使绘画的表现语言和视觉面貌的拓展。

    The appearance of propylene paint not only advanced the development of modern paintings , but also expanded the manifestation mode and the visual present .

  11. 格温·墨菲把旧鞋子变成了艺术品——每双鞋子都有了独特的个性和一张吓人的“脸”。这个艺术家使用粘土和丙烯颜料为每一双回收的鞋子赋予了它们自己的个性和面部表情。

    Gwen Murphy transforms old shoes into unique characters with scary faces.The artist uses clay and acrylic paint to give each recycled shoe its own personality and facial expression .

  12. 这听起来可能有些夸张,但只要看看他用画笔、丙烯颜料和满腹才华与耐心绘制的画作,就能说明一切。

    That may sound like a gross exaggeration , but just take a look at what he 's able to produce with a paintbrush , some acrylic and mountains of talent and patience .

  13. 丙烯颜料有很多优于其它颜料的特性,它既可溶于水,又可溶于油,可以灵活改变自身结构并适合于在各种物质表面进行绘画。

    Acrylic paint pigments have many advantages over other features , it can dissolve in water , can dissolve in oil , can change their structure and flexibility in a variety of materials suitable for painting surface .

  14. 在表现技法上,丙烯颜料更显示出巨大的灵活性,水彩颜料的透明性,油画颜料的厚重感,水粉颜料的遮盖力以及其他乳剂型颜料的淡雅柔和,丙烯颜料几乎都可以做到。

    In the performance techniques , the acrylic paint also shown great flexibility , transparency of watercolor paints , laden with oil paint , gouache paint hiding power , and other elegant soft emulsion paint , acrylic paint almost can do it .