
  1. 结果表明:重熔电流从坩埚壁经熔池表面流回电极,铸锭和坩埚底部几乎没有电流;

    The results show that the current flows during VAR from crucible wall to the electrode via the surface of the ingot melt pool , and the currents in the crucible base and the ingot base are almost zero .

  2. 结论:用穿刺导管从腹前壁经腹膜直抵椎间盘前面,椎间盘前方的小肠被T型杵状压腹器自动推开,从而可经双侧髂血管之间由前面较安全地穿入椎间盘中点。

    Conclusion : In operation , the mesenterial intestine in front of the disc is pushed off by the " T " type of clubbed abdomino-presser and puncture inlet can be made through the peritoneal cavity to the front of nucleus pulposus of the disc .

  3. 结果获得的壁细胞经吖啶橙(AcridineOrange,AO)鉴定纯度达80%以上,原代培养经HE染色可见壁细胞呈分散小组式生长,且生长状态良好。

    RESULTS Identified by acridine orange ( AO ), the purity of isolated and cultured rat gastric parietal cells was over 80 % and they grew very well .

  4. 方法47例(85侧)患者接受鼻内镜下额窦开放术,其中鼻内镜下鼻丘径路额窦开放术26例(49侧),开放鼻丘前壁,经鼻丘后内上方开放额窦。

    Methods Fourty-seven patients ( 85 sides ) who underwent endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in our department constituted the study population .

  5. 结果经腹壁和经直肠彩色多普勒显像肿瘤显示率分别为61%和97%,有显著差异(P<0.05)。

    Results The rates of detecting the tumor of transrectal and transabdominal ultrasound were 61 % and 97 % respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 方法取左心室壁,经四氧化锇细胞浸渍和氢氧化钠细胞浸渍方法处理,在扫描电镜下观察。

    Methods After treating the sample of the myocardium from the left ventricle of SHR and WKY with OsO 4 and NaOH cell maceration method , it was observed under scanning electron microscope .

  7. 二次贴壁并经诱导培养的细胞培养液中NO含量明显高于普通培养的细胞,但低于成熟内皮细胞(P<0.05)。

    The level of NO in the selective culture medium of secondarily attached cells was higher than that of the primarily attached cells but lower than that of the mature endothelial cells ( P < 0.001 ) .

  8. 方法:以经胸壁与经食道二维超声彩色多普勒技术研究急性心肌梗死、心绞痛心肌缺血及正常人3组共100例的左室射血功能。

    Method : The LV eject function was studied by two dimentional echocardiography with through thorax and through esophagus methods in 3 groups ( 100 cases ) of acute myo cardial infarction ( AMI ) angina pectoris and normal individuals .

  9. 作者应用二维超声多普勒技术,以经胸壁与经食管两种检测方法,对心肌梗塞、心肌缺血及正常人3组共100例进行左心室形态构型与机能的研究。

    A study on left ventricular function and spatial geometry was performed in 100 cases of myocardial infarction , ischemia and normal people by means of two dimentional color Doppler echocardiography through thorax and through esophagus . Sixteen parameters were detected and compared among the 3 groups .

  10. 急性前壁心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉血运重建术后ST段持续抬高对其晚期左室功能的影响

    Persistent ST-segment elevation after percutanous coronary intervention reduce the late phase left ventricular function in acute anterior wall myocardial infarction

  11. 小麦麸皮细胞壁多糖经适度的酸或多糖水解酶处理可以获得阿魏酰低聚糖(FOs)。

    Feruloyl oligosaccharides ( FOs ) are released from the arabinoxylans in wheat bran by mild acid hydrolysis or by treatment with a mixture of polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzymes .

  12. 我院于1990年1月至今共收治12例髋臼后壁骨折,经X线摄片和CT检查,诊断后壁骨折缺损>40%9例,脱位5例,半脱位2例,关节内骨块5例。

    Twelve cases of acetabular posterior wall fracture ( APWF ) were reported . Of them , associated dislocation 5 cases , subluxation 2 cases , intraarticular fragements 5 cases , the posterior fragment of acetabulum more than 40 % in 9 cases .

  13. 结论:Stark剖宫产术后腹部粘连率高,子宫与腹壁粘连对经腹输卵管结扎术有较大影响。

    Conclusion : It shows not only higher abdominal adhesion rate after Michael Stark cesarean section , but also appears greater effect of uterus adhesion with abdominal wall on the oviduct ligation .

  14. 结果98例患者在ALT高峰期有76.23%出现不同程度的胆囊壁增厚,经治疗后ALT值恢复正常时,仅有2.04%患者胆囊壁增厚。

    Results 76.23 % of the patients appeared to have different degree of thickening of gallbladder wall when their ALT level were high . After treatment , when their ALT level were normal , only 2.04 % of the patients had thickening of gallbladder wall .

  15. 冠状动脉解剖变异对急性下壁心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉介入治疗后心功能的影响

    The influence of anatomic variance in the coronary artery on cardiac function with PCI after acute inferior wall myocardial infarction

  16. 本文提出一种新的馈源结构,由金属脊喇叭加载一个介质阻抗壁构成,经优化减小了馈源的体积和重量。

    A novel horn feed composed of metallic ridged horn and dielectric impedance wall which has small dimension and weight is introduced .

  17. 结论采用微型侧壁螺丝刀经口腔内固定下颌骨角部和髁状突颈部骨折,完全避免了颌面部皮肤切口,尤其对患者的心理安慰,意义重大。

    Conclusions Intraoral internal fixation on mandibular angle and condyle fracture with a micro-angular screwdriver avoided facial incisions thoroughly It was of great significance to the patients .

  18. 结论采用经直肠超声检测膀胱壁早期病变优于经腹超声,且图像清晰、直观。

    Conclusions TRUS with high frequency probe for detecting the early diseases of the bladder wall is better than transabdominal ultrasonography .

  19. 方法对21例下颌骨角部和髁状突颈部骨折患者,采用微型侧壁螺丝刀,经口内微型钛板内固定。

    Methods In 21 cases , internal fixations were performed at mandibular angle and condyle fractures with a micro-angular screwdriver through intraoral minimally invasions .

  20. 由于主动脉压力负荷增加使右室壁变厚,经胸超声心动图显示出右心室壁位移。

    The ARV wall may have thickened due to systemic pressure load , resulting in reduction of wall motion of the ARV on transthoracic echocardiogram .

  21. 一次差速贴壁纯化后,经免疫组化方法鉴定,96%以上的细胞呈肌细胞特异抗体阳性反应。

    96 % myoblast cells , after purified one time with the method of different speed stick wall , were positively reacted to muscular particular antibody with immunohistochemistry method .

  22. 在子房室内,沿珠柄侧的子房内壁生长至与胚珠珠孔相当部位时,花粉管离开子房壁进入珠孔,经珠心冠细胞之间隙抵达胚囊。

    The pollen grain germinates on the stigma and the pollen tube grows along the hollow style canal into the ovary chamber at the funicle side and enters the micropyle .

  23. 椎体后壁不完整是经皮椎体成形术和后凸成形术的禁忌症,但是开放性手术可以在直视下监控骨水泥在椎管内的渗漏情况,因此开放行椎体成形术可被广泛应用。

    Incompleteness of posterior wall of vertebral body was contraindication of PVP and PKP . Open vertebroplasty can monitor the cement leakage in the spinal canal and be used widely .

  24. 方法回顾性分析279例腹壁穿透伤,经剖腹探查分析腹腔器官刺伤点数目。

    Methods A retrospective analysis was done on 279 cases with abdominal wall penetrative wound , in which different numbers of stab wound point of celiac organ were found via exploration laparotomy .

  25. 肿瘤复发5例,复发部位均在膀胱三角区及侧壁,再次行经尿道电切术,术后更换灌注化疗药物,随访10~20个月,平均15个月,无复发。

    Recurrence of tumor at the trigone and lateral wall of the bladder occurred in 5 cases , which were given a re-operation of transurethral electroresection and chemotherapy and were followed for 10 ~ 20 months ( mean , 15 months ) without recurrence .

  26. 以酯型儿茶素为芯材,大豆色拉油为初级壁材,蛋白NP和碳水化合物CA、CB为壁材,经乳化剪切,喷雾干燥制得酯型儿茶素微胶囊。

    Esters-catechin was used as core materials , soybean oil as primary wall materials and albumen NP and carbohydrate CA , CB as wall materials . After shearing and spray-drying the esters-catechin microcapsule was prepared .