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  1. “厚德载物,诚信为本”是公司的基本理念;

    " Tenet , honesty " is the company 's basic philosophy ;

  2. 清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物。

    Tsinghua university : self-discipline and social commitment .

  3. 本文认为,自强不息,厚德载物是路遥小说的两个基本精神特征,紧紧抓住这两个特征,也就抓住了路遥小说的精髓。

    The paper holds " Self-discipline and Social Commitment " is two basic spiritual characteristics .

  4. 自强不息厚德载物:全球化背景下的建筑创作观

    Striving Constantly by Self and Holding World with Virtue : Architectural Creation View under Globalization Background

  5. 略论“自强不息”“厚德载物”在民族精神中的位置。

    The Position of " Strive Constantly " and " Be Virtuous " in Nationality Culture .

  6. 厚德载物当利不让&从传统观念上看社会主义价值导向

    Socialist Value Orientation in Traditional Sense

  7. 我国会计师事务所应慎行业务多元化慎终追远厚德载物&赵光贤师行范琐忆

    China Accountant Firms Should Be Cautious of Multi-Services Scholarship and Social Commitment & Recollection of My Respectable Teacher Zhao Guang-xian

  8. 中国哲学中的“自强不息”、“厚德载物”、“天人合一”思想,可看作中华民族精神的概括。

    The ideas of self-struggle , noble and generous mind and syncretism of heaven and man have embodied the national ethos of China .

  9. 红木家具的故事,如数家珍,中国自古就有以玉截德、厚德载物的传统,睹物思情,红木家具早已超越了单纯实用的功效,而是负载了更深、更大、更美的文化内涵。

    As a carrier of traditional Chinese culture values , redwood furniture conveys deep grand cultural connotations , which is far beyond its practical functions .

  10. “城市发展中的中华智慧”被界定为“自强不息”、“厚德载物”、“师法自然”、“和而不同”四项。

    " Chinese wisdom in urban development " has been defined as " self-discipline "," social commitment "," inspiration from nature " and " harmony in ersity " .

  11. 在不到一百年的历史里,清华大学目睹并亲身经历了国家的荣辱,“自强不息、厚德载物”的校训激励着清华一代代师生为了祖国的繁荣昌盛而奋斗。

    In less than 100 years , Tsinghua University has witnessed and shared the hardships and glories of the nation . The university 's motto of " Self-discipline and Social Commitment " has inspired many generations of Tsinghua teachers and students to struggle for the prosperity of China .