
  • 网络pachyderm
  1. 推荐理由:谁不喜欢厚皮类动物和美好的结局呢?

    Because who doesn 't love a pachyderm and a happy ending ?

  2. 这种趋势发生在厚皮类动物、大鲸鱼以及较高级的灵长类动物。

    This trend occurred in pachyderms , large whales , and the higher primates .

  3. 这就是布朗克斯动物园中34岁的亚洲雌象“快乐”向研究者们展示厚皮类动物能在镜子中认出自己的方式。这种复杂行为仅在少数几个物种身上能观察到。

    That is how a34-year-old female Asian elephant in the Bronx Zoo showed researchers that pachyderms can recognize themselves in a mirror-complex behaviour observed in only a few other species .