
wǎn lì
  • beautiful;lovely;mild and exquisite
婉丽 [wǎn lì]
  • [beautiful;lovely;mild and exquisite] 温柔美好

  • 词句清新婉丽

婉丽[wǎn lì]
  1. 若说她当年秀媚婉丽,那么如今是雍容华贵。

    If she had been beautiful in those days , she was now radiant .

  2. 与北方不同,南方风景油画总能给人以清新婉丽、柔和谦卑的色彩感受,艺术家在色彩的运用上有着柔和和含蓄性的特点。

    And different northern , southern scenery oil painting always gives a fresh beautiful , gentle and humble the color feeling , artists in the use of colors is soft and subtle character .

  3. 典赡婉丽并擅胜场&李清照诗词艺术风格探微

    A study of the Artistic Styles of Li Qingzhao 's Poems and Ci

  4. 于右任的书法雄豪婉丽,冲淡清奇,其中蕴含着他的学识风范。

    Yu youren 's calligraphy has a heroic beauty , revealing his wide knowledge .

  5. 李清照的词婉丽凄美,是婉约派词的代表人物。

    A representative of the romantic school , Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems .

  6. 三是艺术风格不同,唐诗雄浑,而宋诗婉丽。

    In artistic style , Tang poetry is majestic , and Song poetry is graceful and restrained .

  7. 王安石的绝句以婉丽精工著称,师法晚唐诗又有所新变,在继承唐诗的同时也显现出了宋诗自身的特质。

    Thanks to his efforts , Wang 's quatrains became noted for their grace and delicacy , thus distinguishing the Song poems from their Tang counterparts , which they were greatly indebted to .

  8. 这部分从情感基调、意境和艺术手法出发,考察其悲凄婉丽的词作风貌;在词学观上分别从词体、词风和词韵三方面进行了归纳概括。

    This part explores its view from its sorrow elegant tone , emotion , and art technique ; moreover generalize ideal of Zhou Ci-poetry in three aspects : Style , View , and Rhythm .