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wǎn zhuǎn
  • tactful;mild and indirect;sweet and agreeable
婉转 [wǎn zhuǎn]
  • (1) [mild and indirect;tactful]∶说话含蓄、曲折而温和

  • 婉转的措词

  • (2) [sweet and agreeable]∶声音委婉而动听

  • 歌喉婉转

婉转[wǎn zhuǎn]
  1. 由于他诗歌意象运用独特,造成其诗歌内容婉转多义的特点。

    Because the peculiar image in his poetry make the content of his poetry mild and indirect .

  2. 记住表达个人看法要婉转

    Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement .

  3. 她觉得还是婉转地提出批评比较好。

    She thought it better to mute her criticism .

  4. 我婉转地建议他去看医生。

    I tactfully suggested he should see a doctor .

  5. “我们为什么不停下来喝杯咖啡呢?”她婉转地提议道。

    ' Why don 't we take a break for coffee ? ' she suggested diplomatically .

  6. 她人很直,我觉得我更婉转一些。

    She is very direct . I tend to be more diplomatic , I suppose .

  7. 那项建议的措辞可以更婉转些。

    The suggestion might be worded more politely .

  8. 他同意把他对政府的批评变得婉转一些。

    He agreed to water down his criticisms of the government .

  9. 科雷尔很婉转地说:“你害怕了吗,上校?”

    Corell said insinuatingly ," are you afraid , colonel ?"

  10. 一天来我为那份报告绞尽了脑汁,可还是没找到婉转地提出建议的方法。

    I 've been beating my brains out all day over that report , and I still can 't find a way to make my suggestions politely .

  11. 科雷尔很婉转地说:“你害怕了吗,上校?

    Corell said insinuatingly , " Are you afraid , Colonel ? "

  12. 她的嗓音婉转如汩汩的银溪

    Whose voice , as cadenced as a silver streams .

  13. 他的话很婉转。

    What he said was very indirect .

  14. 等他开始唱起那些悠扬婉转、忽高忽低的歌曲时,跟得上的人就剩下不多了。

    When he begun sang those melodious1 and rising and falling songs , few people could still join in the singing .

  15. CouldIhelpyou?我能帮忙吗?(比CanIhelpyou?婉转)那个人问可不可以在大厅里吸烟。

    The man asked if he could smoke in the hall .

  16. 上月末,该国说话并不婉转的副总统优素福·卡拉(JusufKalla)重复了他今年早些时候的言论,声称对一年中其他11个月的好天气,邻国“应该感谢”印度尼西亚。

    Late last month , the country 's outspoken vice president , Jusuf Kalla , repeated a statement he made earlier in the year in which he said that neighboring countries " should be grateful " to Indonesia for the clean air they have the other 11 months of the year .

  17. 早晨鸟儿在树丛里婉转啼鸣。

    Morning brings the sound of birds chirping in the trees .

  18. 当曲调升高的时候,她的嗓音也跟着改变,悠扬婉转。

    When the melody rose , her voice broke up sweetly .

  19. 不知道怎样才能婉转地讲明这件事。

    It 's hard to know how to say this tactfully .

  20. 营造者的拒绝是很婉转的,这人无往而不婉转。

    The builder refused genially , as he did everything else .

  21. 那我婉转点吧一起吃晚饭吧

    I 'll be delicate then . Let 's have dinner .

  22. 你看,我是个非常慎重婉转的人。

    You will see I am a man of extreme delicacy .

  23. 我们将坏消息婉转地告诉她吧。

    We have to break the bad news gently to her .

  24. 我没有感觉到颤抖,婉转,或者是甜蜜。

    I have not felt to warble and trill , however sweetly .

  25. 他学会了怎样把坏消息婉转地说出来。

    He had learnt how to wrap up bad news .

  26. 她婉转地提到这项计划可能需要的费用。

    She skated over the likely cost of the plan .

  27. 她的嗓音婉转似汩汩的银溪。

    Whose voice , as cadenced as a silver stream 's.

  28. 我会婉转的规诫他不要这样做。

    I will tactfully admonish him not to behave like this again .

  29. 随后,伊亥开始说话,声音婉转动听。

    Then , in her golden voice , YHI spoke .

  30. 那要多谢你这么婉转的告诉我。

    Thank you for breaking it to me so gently .