
zhēn shuài
  • sincere;unaffected
真率 [zhēn shuài]
  • [straightforward; sincere] 真诚坦率

  1. 自然真率冲淡虚静&谈陶渊明的南山人格

    Sincere , Natural , Empty and Quiet : An Approach on South Mountain Personality of Tao Yuanming

  2. 曲面断层片在不同种植床失真率的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on Distortion Rate of Implant Bed in Orthopantomography

  3. 真率走到院子里玩耍。

    Jin sohr goes out to play .

  4. 礼与情的冲突,持重与真率的矛盾,在他们的生活中所在皆是。

    Moral and emotion conflict , steady and naive contradiction , everywhere has in theirs life .

  5. 他那真率的感情在旧体诗词中得到最痛快淋漓的寄托与流露。

    His truthful feelings in the old style poems get the most stirring spiritual substance and reveal .

  6. 真率自然的倾诉是其散文的基本表现形态,这使其散文成了作家的心灵史和思想史。

    Frank and natural writing style makes ZHU Hong 's proses a real record of his spirits and thoughts .

  7. 诗文真率豪放,书法劲拔飘逸,外柔内刚,独具风采。

    Poetry straightforward , uninhibited , elegant calligraphy , drawing fresh , soft on the outside inside , unique style .

  8. 文中给出了65个小范围样本的匹配试验结果,在拒真率为4.6%条件下,误识率为0。

    The matching with 65 samples had a zero false acceptance rate while the flase rejection rate was 4.6 % .

  9. 北宋中期的洛阳耆英会,是一个以优游真率为宗旨的老年会社。

    The aim of the " society of venerable persons " of Mid-Northern SONG dynasty was to find leisure , sincerity and straightforwardness .

  10. 我就是这样本能地一向就是这样以简短回答简短,以真率回答直率。

    It is my way-it always was my way , by instinct-ever to meet the brief with brevity , the direct with plainness .

  11. 此算法分别利用图像的亮度和色度信息进行两级检测,能够有效提高原算法的车辆检测准确率,降低拒真率和认假率,而且满足实时性需求。

    It introduces two-level detection , utilizing luminance information and the chrominance information respectively . The improved algorithm can effectively increase the accuracy of old one and reduce the FRR and FAR .