
  • 网络real income;real returns;real benefits;true income
  1. 将VaR风险度量模型应用于证券投资基金绩效评估中,这种经风险调整后的绩效评估方法符合现代理论的要求,能更全面、有效的描述基金的真实收益。

    This paper applies VaR models to evaluate performances , which conforms to the modern theories and can describe the real returns of the securities investment funds completely and validly .

  2. 因此,基金绩效评估的核心应该是对其所面临的风险进行准确的计算和度量。这种经风险调整后的绩效评估方法才能更全面、有效的描述基金的真实收益。

    Thus , the core of evaluation is to measure and calculate risks and returns accurately , which can describe the real returns of the securities investment funds completely and validly .

  3. 第一,真实收益率下降能够刺激借贷与投资。

    First , lower real yields spur borrowing and investment .

  4. 从现金流量表看企业的财务适应能力和真实收益能力

    Financial Adaptability and Real Yield Ability of the Enterprise Reflected in Cash Flow Statements

  5. 要看到真实收益,可以考虑通过减少紧急修理的需要来省钱。

    To see the real-world benefits , consider the money saved by reducing the need for emergency repairs .

  6. 内含报酬率是项目在其寿命周期内所实现的真实收益率。

    The internal rate of return represents the true interest rate earned in an investment over its economic life .

  7. 本文论述了现金流量表所反映的企业财务适应能力和真实收益能力。

    This paper elaborates on the financial adaptability and the r eal yield ability of the enterprise reflected in cash flow statements .

  8. 该封信说,萨蒂扬的真实收益和资金状况比账目中的数额要低90%多。

    Satyam 's real profits and cash position , the letter admitted , were over 90 % lower than the figures in the accounts .

  9. 但是,汤姆森金融的数据不包括衍生品和交易费用,而银行声称,这些才是大部分真实收益的来源。

    However , the Thomson Financial figures do not capture fee data from derivatives and trading which banks claim account for the bulk of their true earnings .

  10. 再接着,就进入了文章的中心,即尝试以一种真实收益率动态调整模型对沪市A股泡沫状况进行了实证分析。

    Then , the paper gives an empirical test on bubbles of Shanghai A-Share market by using a dynamic and adjustable model based on the real yield rate .

  11. 同时,在需多期投资支出的项目分析中,目前计算方法下的内部收益率不能如实地反映项目的真实收益率。

    Meanwhile , in the project analysis that needs multi-period investment outlay , the internal income rate method under present computational methods cannot reflect the real earning ratio of the item .

  12. 本文通过比较传统会计收益与全面收益,提出了传统会计收益与全面收益的区别及差距,并在此基础上提出了改进传统会计收益的思路,使会计收益更加接近真实收益。

    Comparing the traditional Accounting Profits with the Overall Profits , the paper states on the difference between them and comes up with ideas to improve the traditional Accounting Profits to reflect the real profits more faithfully .

  13. 再加上中国近10%的趋势实际增长率,表明中国股市的潜在整体收益率为两位数(用股息收益率加上增长率,得出一个总体真实收益率)。

    Adding in China 's trend real growth of nearly 10 per cent implies a potential all-in yield for Chinese stocks in double figures , once any dividend yield is added to growth to give a total real yield .

  14. 噪声交易者与中国IPO真实首日收益研究

    Study on Noise Traders and the Real Initial Returns of Initial Public Offerings in China

  15. 上市公司应该让股东享受到真实的收益。

    Listing Corporation should give shareholders enjoy real benefits .

  16. 现金配售制度下新股申购投资者的真实首日收益研究

    Study on the Real Initial Return of IPO Primary Investors Under the Regulation of Cash Rationing

  17. 文章站在风险收益的角度,认为资本化率必须体现行业平均风险和项目特定风险,而不应简单以行业风险资本化率来进行评估,这样才能真实反映收益型房地产的风险程度。

    This paper is based on the point of risk and benefit , and we think that the capitalization rate should reflect the industry risk and specific project risk , which could truly reflect the real benefits produced by the real estate .

  18. 她还说,西方八国集团不应该对于仅仅研究生物多样性的经济学期待过多,因为我们对于保护自然资源或者供人类使用的真实成本和收益知之甚少。

    The G8 must not expect too much from economics alone , she adds , as we still know too little about the actual costs and benefits of preserving natural areas or using them for human activities .

  19. 不管你是想为日常散步增添一些兴奋或是使自己活跃起来而去参加纺纱课程,用下面七条真实可测的收益来衡量一下你对时间的投资吧。

    Whether you 're trying to muster up some excitement for your daily walk or rouse yourself to attend a Spinning class , check out these seven real and measurable returns on your investment of time .