
  • 网络Half a project;uncompleted project;uncompletedproject
  1. 一幢乡村小学的教学楼,建了7年还是个半拉子工程。

    The teaching building in a village school remains uncompleted though it was started seven years ago .

  2. 盘活存量资产的一项重大举措&对抢救有前景的半拉子工程的思考

    AN IMPORTANT MOVE TO ACTIVATE THE DEPOSITED ASSETS & Thinking about Rescuing the Hopeful " Unfinished " Projects

  3. 各级政府投资都要集中力量保重点,严格控制新开工项目,资金安排主要用于项目续建和收尾,切实防止出现半拉子工程。

    Government investment at all levels needs to be concentrated in the most important areas , and the launching of new projects must be strictly controlled . It should be used mainly for carrying on and completing projects , and we need to ensure that projects are not stopped midway .

  4. 但巨资投入至今,依然是个“半拉子”工程。

    But huge amounts of money invested so far , is still a " uncompleted " works .