
  • 网络hydrological data base
  1. 阐述了水文数据库的建立,指出了应用管理中存在的问题,提出了建议。

    The paper expounds the establishment of the hydrological data base , points out problems in the application of the data base and proposes suggestions as well .

  2. 基于WEB开发的该系统是一个集成原有实时水雨情系统功能,并对实时水雨情、遥测水雨情以及历史水文数据库信息进行综合对比、分析与查询的系统。

    The hydrologic information service system integrates the original real-time flood-rainfall information system based on the WEB technique . The system is capable of contrasting , analyzing and querying the real-time , remote-sensed and historical flood-rainfall information synthetically .

  3. VISC方法在水文数据库中的应用&兼谈大型数据库扫描检索系统的设计

    Application of VISC to Hydrological Database ── Scanning Retrieval System Design of a Large-scale Database

  4. 江西水文数据库系统选用VAX-11信息管理系统及宿主语言FORTRAN建立的水文信息管理系统。

    Jiangxi Hydrologic Database System ( JHDBS ) is a large hydrologic information management system using VAX-11 information management system software and host language FORTRAN .

  5. 基于电话语音卡的水文数据库管理系统的设计

    Design of the Hydrology Database Management System Based on the PhoneCard

  6. 浅谈山西省国家水文数据库的创建

    Talking about the Creation of Shanxi 's National Hydrologic Database

  7. 湖南省水文数据库存贮模式设计

    Storage Model Design for the Hydrological Database of Hu ′ nan Province

  8. 数据查询功能在基础水文数据库中的应用

    Application of Data Inquiring Functions into the Basic Hydrological Database

  9. 探讨在组建水文数据库网络中双绞线及其连接方法

    Discussion Couple Cross and Connection Method in Hydrology Database Network

  10. 甘肃省国家水文数据库系统简介

    The brief introduction of national hydrological database in Gansu

  11. 水文数据库随机检索实用模型

    An Applied Model of Random Access for Hydrologic Database

  12. 水文数据库结构设计简介

    Brief Introduction to Structural Design of Hydrological Database

  13. 江西水文数据库系统研究

    A Study of Jiangxi Hydrologic Database System

  14. 介绍了建设水文数据库的重要性和开发技术;本系统的资料都储存在数据库里。

    The authors introduced the importance and development technology of construction of Guangxi hydrologic database system .

  15. 介绍了山西国家水文数据库的建设、应用情况及其发展趋势。

    This paper introduces the construction , application and developing tendency of Shanxi National Water Regimen Database .

  16. 结合湖南省水文数据库存贮模式的设计实例,说明存贮模式设计的可行性和必要性。

    The feasibility and necessity of the design for storage model are described by the case of Hu ′ nan Provincial Database .

  17. 处于这种形势,对分布式结构的水文数据库集成和实时水文预警的实现成为解决这些问题的关键。

    In the face of such situation , the distributed hydrological database integration and real-time hydrologic warning become the keys to solve these problems .

  18. 较为详细地介绍了山西省国家水文数据库的特点、主要功能、设计过程以及使用注意事项等。

    This paper makes elaboration of the features , main functions , design processes of Shanxi s national hydrological database and notable matters in its use .

  19. 随机检索是水文数据库重要的检索功能之一,由于检索要求的不确定性给软件开发带来一定的困难。

    Random access is one of the important functions to hydrologic database , and due to the indetermination of requirements in random access ; there are some difficulties in software development .

  20. 水文数据库中存在大量时间序列数据,发现水文时间序列中蕴藏的规律,有利于掌握水文数据变化规律和趋势,在水资源管理和水文预报方面有重要的现实意义。

    Finding the the hidden law of hydrological time series is conducive to grasp the changes of hydrological data and trends , and has important practical significance in the management of water resources and hydrological forecasting .

  21. 用VISUALFOXPRO6.0进行水文地质数据库的升级和改造

    To Upgrade and Reform Hydrogeologic Data Bank with Visual FoxPro 6.0

  22. 基于GIS技术的综合水文物探数据库系统研究

    Research on synthetic hydro-geophysical exploration database system based on GIS technology

  23. 为了绘制海岸工程中的风玫瑰图,利用Matlab数据库工具箱实现了对水文观测数据库的调用。

    In order to draw wind rose in coastal engineering , the allocation of observed hydrological database is realized by utilizing Matlab Database Toolbox .

  24. 塔里木河流域水文动态数据库管理信息系统设计

    Hydrologic dynamic database design of MIS about Tarim river

  25. 详细地介绍了水文地质数据库管理系统的开发与应用。

    This paper has given a minute introduction about the development and application with the hydrologic database .

  26. 山东省1∶20万水文地质数据库建设的主要内容及开发应用设想

    Major Contents and Developing and Applying Thoughts of 1 ∶ 200000 Hydrogeological Data Base Establishment in Shandong Province

  27. 探讨了水文地质数据库结构构造、数据库管理功能设定及实现过程。

    It has probed into the structure of the hydrological database , and set up the function and realize the course of the database manage system .

  28. 在实际的水资源分析评价工作中,通常需要对水文历史数据库中的水文数据进行统计、计算和分析,计算量很大。

    In the routine practice affairs about the water resources analysis and assessment , it is necessary to calculate and analyze the hydrological data stored in the historical hydrological database .

  29. 依据现代管理学理念,从系统控制的角度出发,借助于计算机技术,建议建立塔里木河流域水文动态数据库管理信息系统。

    This paper , according to the modern management theory , and with the aid of the technology of the computer , has proposed setting up the management information system of dynamic database of hydrology of Tarim river basin .

  30. 木兰溪下游分别建立了地理信息数据库、水文信息数据库、工程设计资料数据库、工程模型试验数据库、河势演变数据库及堤防河道安全监测数据库。

    The management system include geographical data base , hydrological data base , project design data base , project physical model experiment data base , river regime evolution data base , as well as the river dike and channel safety monitoring data base .