
  • 网络soluble protein;water soluble protein
  1. 由废弃皮革中提取水溶性蛋白质的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Soluble Protein from Waste Tannage

  2. 低温脱溶是提高大豆水溶性蛋白质的重要方法。

    Low temperature desolventizing is an important method to improve the content of soluble protein .

  3. 然后对使用区带毛细管电泳(CZE)分析水溶性蛋白质的方法做了初步研究。

    Then the separation method of water-soluble proteins through capillary zone electrophoresis ( CZE ) was studied .

  4. 大豆蛋白质、水溶性蛋白质、7S蛋白、11S蛋白、植酸含量均与北豆腐的硬度呈负相关。

    Protein , water-soluble protein , 11S protein and phytic acid content in soybean were negatively correlated to hardness of north tofu .

  5. 研究了糙米中淀粉、还原糖、水溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸等营养成分含量及其用Ca2+、GA3和去离子水处理后发芽过程中的变化。

    Nutrition compositions of brown rice and its change during germination , treated with Ca 2 + , GA 3 and de ionized water were studied .

  6. CN-则降低种子子叶的蛋白酶、脂肪酶和过氧化氢酶活性,并降低游离氨基酸和脂肪酸含量,但提高水溶性蛋白质含量。

    CN - reduced activities of protease , lipase and catalase as well as content of free amino acids and fatty acid but raised content of soluble proteins in peanut cotyledons .

  7. 大豆品种中的蛋白质、水溶性蛋白质、植酸及11S球蛋白的含量与北豆腐的保水性、得率呈显著正相关关系;

    The yield and water-holding ability of Bei-tofu were significantly positively correlated with soybean varieties protein , water-soluble protein , 11S contents and phytate acid contents ;

  8. 将不同抗热性小麦品种的幼苗进行43℃高温的不同时间处理,对其水溶性蛋白质进行SDS-PAGE分析,发现热激可诱导小麦幼苗合成许多热激蛋白,同时有些正常蛋白质的合成受到抑制;

    Soluble proteins from seedlings of different varieties of common wheat treated under 43 ℃ were analyzed with SDS-PAGE . Results indicated that heat shock could not only induce HSP but also inhibit the synthesis of some normal proteins .

  9. 对甘蔗叶片的生理生化分析结果表明,与对照相比,灌溉处理的过氧化物酶、NADP-苹果酸酶、ATP酶、酸性转化酶活性及水溶性蛋白质和蔗糖含量均有所提高,还原糖含量降低。

    As compared with the control , the treatment with irrigation also showed higher activities of peroxidase , ATPase , NADP-malic enzyme and acid invertase , and the contents of water soluble protein and sucrose , but lower reducing sugar in leaves .

  10. 目的:研究羚羊角塞的水溶性蛋白质成分(分子量超过16kDa)的药理作用。

    Objective : To study the pharmacological effects of the water soluble proteins ( molecular weight more than 16kDa ) from Cornu Antelopis Blocks .

  11. 结果细粉水溶性蛋白质几乎不溶出,而超细粉20min溶出度达51.2%,2h达70.5%。

    Results Water-soluble protein in fine powder of Plastrum Testudinis was hardly detected while the dissolution rate of water-soluble protein in ultra-fine powder was 51.2 % in 20 minutes and up to 70.5 % at 2 hours .

  12. 方法新鲜牛晶状体匀浆与[14C]果糖孵育24h,凝胶过滤层析(Sephacryls300HR)分离水溶性蛋白质,并进一步分离脱氢酶;

    Methods The fresh bovine lens homogenate was incubated with [ ~ 14C ] fructose for 24 hours . The water-soluble proteins were separated by size-exclusion chromatography ( Sephacryl S-300HR ) and then were passed over an enzyme column to separate out the dehydrogenases .

  13. 板栗水溶性蛋白质提取工艺的优化

    The Optimization of Extract Process of Water-soluble Protein in Chinese Chestnut

  14. 在测定水溶性蛋白质方法中,沉淀剂及其使用浓度的选择很重要。

    Precipitant and its concentration are important for determining water-soluble protein .

  15. 兔角膜上皮特异性水溶性蛋白质的电泳分析

    Analysis of Specific Water-Soluble Proteins by Electrophoretic Technique

  16. 牛角膜上皮45.4kd水溶性蛋白质在脊椎动物角膜中特异性表达的免疫组化研究

    The specific expression of 45.4 kd water-soluble protein from bovine corneal epithelium in vertebrates

  17. 桃水溶性蛋白质等电聚焦电泳分析初报

    Isoelectric focusing for water-soluble protein of peach

  18. 羚羊角塞水溶性蛋白质成分的解热、镇惊和镇痛作用研究

    Studies of Antipyretic , Anticonvulsant and Analgesic Effect of Water Soluble Proteins from Cornu Antelopis Blocks

  19. 中华蚱蜢蛋白质以水溶性蛋白质为主,易被人及其它动物吸收利用。

    The content of water-dissolved protein was high , so grasshopper protein was easy to digest and absorb .

  20. 培菌阶段发生的主要化学变化是蛋白质部分降解成为水溶性蛋白质。

    The main chemical change in the culture phase is that the protein was degradated into water_solubility protein partly .

  21. 柞丝绸水溶性蛋白质的组成研究聚醚型水溶性聚氨酯化学结构与应用性能关系探讨

    Composition of Water-Soluble Protein of Tussah Silk Study on the Relations Between the Chemical Structure and Properties of Water-Soluble Polyether type Polyurethane

  22. 叶片代谢失调表现为参与多种代谢反应的苹果酸脱氢酶活性下降,生活的基本物质&水溶性蛋白质含量下降。

    Metabolic disorder of Hevea leaves was characterized by a decrease in the activity of NAD & malate dehydrogenase and in the content of soluble protein .

  23. 近年来,鱼糜的生产量越来越大,包含着大量水溶性蛋白质的鱼糜漂洗水被直接排掉,不仅浪费了资源,而且污染了环境。

    Recently , surimi production was increasing , and surimi wash water containing large of protein was discarded , which not only wasted resources , but also polluted environment .

  24. 结论:羚羊角塞水溶性蛋白质成分具有解热、镇惊和镇痛作用,是羚羊角塞中的有效部位或有效成分之一。

    Conclusion : The water-soluble proteins from Cornu Antelopis Blocks had antipyretic , anticonvulsant and analgesic effects , which is one of the effective parts or components in Cornu Antelopis Blocks .

  25. 介绍了天然乳胶引起过敏的原因,指出了过敏反应与胶乳中的水溶性蛋白质含量有关及蛋白质的种类。

    This paper introduces the cause of allergy of NRL , indicates that human 's allergenic reaction is related to the water-soluble protein ratio of NRL , introduces the type of protein which contained in natural rubber latex .

  26. 结果表明:各类型蛋白质的含量为水溶性蛋白质43.4%、酸溶性蛋白质1.8%、碱溶性蛋白质1.9%、醇溶性蛋白质0.3%;

    The protein of Acria cinerea was divided into water dissolved protein ( 43.4 % ), acid dissolved protein ( 1.8 % ), alkaline dissolved protein ( 1.9 % ) and mellow dissolved protein ( 0.3 % ) .

  27. 发芽糙米中淀粉含量下降了431%~537%,还原糖上升404~619倍,水溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量分别上升57%~177%和921%~1512%。

    Starch content was decreased by 43 1 % 53 7 % , while reducing sugar increased 40 461 9 times , soluble protein and free amino acid increased by 5 7 % 17 7 % and 92 1 % 151 2 % respectively during germination .

  28. 在研究范围内,适中的浸泡温度和较高的发芽温度,适于产生较多的还原糖;较高的浸泡温度和发芽温度,适于产生较多的水溶性蛋白质;

    In the range of researching , moderate soaking temperature and higher germinating temperature were suitable for producing more reducing-sugar , higher soaking and germinating temperature were suitable for producing more soluble protein , and higher soaking temperature and moderate germinating temperature were suitable for producing more GABA .

  29. 实验还采用胶束电动毛细管色谱(MECC)对水溶性的蛋白质混合物进行了分析,电泳缓冲液中加入SDS后,水溶性蛋白质的吸附现象变的相对严重,分析效果有所下降。

    And the separation of water-soluble proteins was done with micelle electro kinetic capillary chromatography ( MECC ) .

  30. 对水溶性的蛋白质来说,它的水溶液是亲水性胶体。

    To water-soluble protein , its aqueous solution is hydrophilic colloid .