
  • 网络automatic system of hydrological data acquisition and transmission
  1. 水文自动测报系统常出现的故障分析

    Analysis of common breakdown of automatic hydrological survey and forecast system

  2. 百色水库水文自动测报系统设计与研究

    Study on and Design of Hydrologic Data Acquisition System of Baise Reservoir

  3. 水文自动测报系统测站的供电设计

    Power Supply in Stations of Automatic System of Hydrological Measuring and Forecasting

  4. 黄河水文自动测报系统运行质量的评价

    Evaluation on running quality of automatic telegraph transmission in the Yellow River

  5. 水文自动测报系统受雷击途径与防护

    The Ways of Lightening Attack on Automatic Hydrological Surveying System and the Protection

  6. 水文自动测报系统中心机软件构造方案和实现

    The Construction Scheme and Programming in the Software for Automatically Hydrological Measure System

  7. 基于水文自动测报系统的无线混沌直扩系统研究

    Research on System of Wireless Chaos DS-SS Communication Based on Automatic Hydrologic Telemetering System

  8. 项目管理在水文自动测报系统建设中应用浅析

    Analysis for Application in Project Management in Constructing Automatic Hydrological Measurement and Report System

  9. 提高水文自动测报系统可靠性的措施

    The measures of increasing the reliability of the hydrology automatic measurement & report system

  10. 话音插空技术在水文自动测报系统中的应用

    Application of the voice plug in technique in the hydrologic automatic monitor and warning system

  11. 根据深圳水库对港、深供水发展需要而建立的东深供水工程供水流域水文自动测报系统在防洪等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Automatic hydrology measuring system plays an important role in the flood prevention and control of Dong-shen water supply project .

  12. 模型中优化了案例信息流程,整合了在站水文自动测报系统和人工观测系统;

    This model optimized the flow of case information , integrated hydrological automatic monitoring system in the stations and artificial observing system ;

  13. 本文主要介绍了东深工程全流域水文自动测报系统的最新组成情况及应用系统状况。

    In this paper , the latest composition of Dong - shen entire hydrographic basin automatic hydrology measuring system is introduced and its application system is also included .

  14. 本文介绍了河口村水库水文自动测报系统的站网布设、系统总体结构、通信组网方式和洪水预报调度方案。

    This paper introduced station networks lay . System total structure , communicating forming mode and flood forecast anticipate scheme in HeKou village reservoir hydrology automatic observation and prediction system .

  15. 按水文自动测报系统中相关标准的要求,介绍了水文自动测报系统超短波遥测中继机的检测项目、检测要求、检测方法及检测结果的评定。

    According to standards concerned for automatic systems of hydrological measurement and reporting , this article introduced items , requirements , methods for check and measurement , as well as assessment .

  16. 阐述了音河水库水文自动测报系统的规划设计及站网布设原理,并论证了实施该系统的必要性和可行性。

    The planning designing and station net distribution principle of the automatic hydrologic survey and forecast system for Yinhe Reservoir were described . The necessity and feasibility of the system were analysed .

  17. 水文自动测报基本系统综合评价方法探讨

    Discussions on the comprehensive evaluation method of the basic system of automatic hydrological survey and forecasting

  18. 对齐齐哈尔水文局自动测报系统进行了站网布设分析和系统设计。

    This paper analyzes arrangement design of network of automatic report system and system design in Qiqihar Hydrology Bureau .

  19. 在水文遥测自动测报系统中,采集的水文数据常常应用超短波无线通信技术进行数字传输,因此需要进行二进制数据的调制解调工作。

    In the system of automatic hydrological measurement and telemetering , the collected hydrological data are often transmitted by the ultra short wave of radio communication technology so that it is necessary for the binary digit to use modem technology .

  20. 近几年,一大批水文水情自动测报系统已在水利水电枢纽上建立,成为洪水预报和调度的重要组成部分,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    At recent years , a large number of floodwater automatic forecast systems have been set up in the water and electricity hinges , and brought into play more and more important function as flood forecast and control dispatch important part .

  21. 根据对水文自动测报基本系统基础数据的采集、传输和处理流程的研究,设置了一套以数据采集精度、可靠性和软件功能为主的水文自动测报基本系统性能综合评价指标体系。

    On the basis of the study on the data collection , transmission and processing of the basic system of automatic hydrological measurement and forecasting , the authors set up a comprehensive performance evaluation index system for the basic system of automatic hydrological measurement and forecasting .