
  1. 贯彻ISO-10012国际标准加强计量管理工作

    Carrying out International Standard ISO - 10012 and Strengthening Metrological Management

  2. 从兽药企业FDA认证的角度,描述了计量管理工作在认证中的重要作用,介绍了FDA对计算机控制系统、仪器仪表及电子记录/签名的特别要求以及企业在实际计量管理工作中的应对措施。

    The important action of the measure work in FDA approval were described , including the computer control system , the instrument and meter , the electronic recording / signs as well as actual measurement data , and the management of measures .

  3. 浅谈如何搞好企业的计量管理工作

    On how to improve the control by measuring at the enterprise

  4. 我国汽车检测与计量管理工作中存在的问题及对策分析

    Problem and Countermeasure in Management of Automobile Inspection and Calibrations

  5. 医疗卫生机构计量管理工作中薄弱环节的分析

    The AnalySiS on Weakness of Measure Management in Medical and Health institutions

  6. 计算机通讯系统的成功运行使计量管理工作迈上新台阶

    Computer Communication System Makes Metrology Management Steps up to a New Step

  7. 医院计量管理工作的建立和开展

    The Establishment and Development of the Work of Metrology Management in a Hospital

  8. 新形势下医学计量管理工作应注意和把握的几个问题

    Problems Should be Paid Attention in Management of Medical Measurement in New Situation

  9. 县级医院如何抓好计量管理工作

    How to do well in the measurement supervisory work of the county level hospital

  10. 现代企业计量管理工作的探讨

    Discussion About the Metering Management of Modern Enterprise

  11. 管理医疗及对我国医疗保险的借鉴意义加强医学计量管理工作确保医疗装备安全使用

    Strengthening the Management of Medical Measurement and Ensuring the Safe Use of Medical Equipment

  12. 医院计量管理工作的加强

    Strengthen of the Measurement Management in Hospital

  13. 医院计量管理工作

    On measurement in Hospital Management

  14. 现阶段集贸市场的计量管理工作主要由质量技术监督部门负责,管理的对象是集贸市场内的个体经营商户。

    The measuring instruments of self-employed businesses is mainly managed by Quality and Technical Supervision Departments currently .

  15. 学习ISO-10012国际标准,加强计量管理工作,确保产品质量,提高社会经济效益。

    Study international standard ISO-10012 , strengthen metrology management , ensure the quality of product and enhance the social economical benefit .

  16. 简述了现行企业计量管理工作在宣贯ISO10012标准中,遇到的主要问题及处理方法。

    The main problems met by present enterprises during propagating and implementing standard ISO 100012 and its treating method are presented briefly .

  17. 本文简述了我院加强计量管理工作的具体做法。

    This paper expounds briefly the specified methods and experiences in the course to strengthen the work of the measurement management in the hospital .

  18. 经过几年的不懈努力,不断总结,不断改进,现已成为省级计量管理工作先进单位。

    After unremitting endeavors in several years , summarizing unceasingly , and improving unceasingly , it already became the advanced unit of provincial level measurement supervisory work .

  19. 分析了当前广西用水定额及取水计量管理工作的状况,指出工作中存在的问题,并提出初步改进建议。

    Based on an analysis of current situation of water metering and water duty administration in Guangxi , the existing problems are listed and preliminary reform proposals put forward .

  20. 计量管理工作是炼化企业发现生产问题,保证安全生产和控制生产成本的基础。

    The measuring management is an important work which a refinery enterprise to find out the production problem , to guarantee the product safety and to control the cost .

  21. 该系统的建立,将使炼钢厂能源介质的计量管理工作实现自动采集、瞬时监测、故障报警、能流监视;

    Establishment of the system will make measure and manage works of energy medium to achieve automatism collection , instantaneous measure , failure give an alarm , energyflow stakeout and so on .

  22. 在树脂锚固剂质量检验中,做好计量管理工作是保证产品质量、煤矿安全生产一个十分重要的环节。

    Doing a good job of meterage manage is a guarantee to the quality of production and coal mine 's safety produce in the quality examination of ANCHOR SOLIDIFYING AGENT RESIN . It is a very important link .

  23. 滦平县医院采取两挂一签,责任到人,八本帐统计,档案统一管理等先进经验,把县级医院的仪器设备,计量管理工作搞得扎实有效。

    The Luanping County hospital adopts the advanced experience , such as the responsibility to the human ," eight accounts " statistics and file unification management and so on . They make the instrumentation equipment and measurement supervisory work solidly effectively .

  24. 石油企业如何做好计量器具管理工作

    How to Improve the Measurement Equipment Management for Petroleum Enterprises

  25. 探讨了我国计量器具管理工作与国际标准接轨的问题,以及《计量法》有调整范围。

    This paper discusses the problems of chinese measuring instrument and device management work approaching the international standard and adjustable range of " The Measurement Law of the People 's Republic of China " .

  26. 系统的运行将大大提高公路工程计量支付管理工作的效率,提高长沙市公路桥梁建设公司的信息化程度,为业主、承包商和监理各方带来极大的便利。

    The operation of the system will greatly improve the efficiency of the highway engineering measurement and payment management work , and improve the level of information of the Changsha City Road and Bridge Construction Company , and take a great convenience for owners , contractors and supervisors .

  27. 浅谈计量技术档案管理工作中的几点体会

    Several Experiences of Records Management Work in Measurement Technique

  28. 本文结合实例,介绍了计算机的各项新兴技术在计量检定与管理工作中的应用,并展望了其发展方向。

    This paper introduces the application of various new computer technologies to measure evaluation and management by using examples , and prospects the development of it .

  29. 实施按户计量收费管理的前期工作及相关问题探讨

    Preparation for implementation of the household heat metering and charging system

  30. 广西城镇、工业取水计量及用水定额管理工作状况分析

    Analysis of township and industrial water metering and water duty administration in Guangxi