
jì shí ɡōnɡ
  • Part Timer
  1. 公司给受薪员工提供了一套很好的养老金计划,但给计时工提供的计划却很吝啬。

    The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid .

  2. 这个例子说明了计时工能导致更大的事业。

    This is one example of apart-time job leading to greater things .

  3. 一般来说,如果你做过一些计时工,那么你找到一份合适工作的机会就多。

    Generally you will have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have done some part-time jobs .

  4. 现在,她和她丈夫拥有7家银矿快餐店,去年,他们还给所有的计时工涨了工资。

    Today , she and her husband own seven Silver Mine Sub Shops-and last year , they raised wages for all their hourly employees .

  5. 所有企业都有计时工人和临时工。

    All businesses have many part-time and temporary employees .