
  1. 方法抽取19851995和2000年全国学生体质健康调研山东省资料,根据7~18岁中小学生的身高、体重,计算体质量指数(BMI);

    Methods Data were from Research Section of Students ' Constitution and Health of Shandong Province in 1985,1995 and 2000.BMI was calculated according to their height and weight .

  2. AI的核心是它包含很多智能计算体,简称为智能体,这些智能体以建立可以适应环境和能够从经验中学习的系统为目标。

    On the heart of AI there are intelligent computational agents simply called agents that have the goal of building systems that can adapt to their environments and learn from their experience .

  3. 层状介质中计算体积分方程的弱化BCGS-FFT算法

    Weak-form BCGS-FFT algorithm for volume integral equations in stratified medium

  4. 以不添加DDGS组作为对照,饲喂初生雏鸡,测定试验鸡的体重和采食量,并计算体增重、料肉比和蛋白效率。

    Testing broilers ' weight and feed intake , and calculating weight gain , feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency .

  5. 计算体质量指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)、体内脂肪百分比(BF%)、HOMA胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)等进行比较。

    Body mass index ( BMI ), waist-hip ratio ( WHR ), body fat percentage ( BF % ) and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index ( HOMA-IR ) were calculated .

  6. 两组患者于治疗前和治疗6周末分别做葡萄糖耐量试验,测空腹血胰岛素,测量体质量、身高,计算体质量指数(BMI),评定阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)。

    Glucose tolerance test was made before the treatment and 6 weeks after the treatment in both groups of patients . Fasting insulin level , body weight , body height , body mass index ( BMI ) and positive and negative symptoms scale ( PANSS ) were examined .

  7. 提出了一种计算体积分方程的方法&改进型局域非线性迭代(MLNI),并用其对三维井间电磁场进行正反演计算。

    The method of modified local nonlinear iteration ( MLNI ) for volume integral equations is introduced and used to calculate forward and inverse problems of 3 D cross hole electromagnetic fields .

  8. 我们改进了计算体粘滞系数的方法使之更为自然并应用于密度依赖模型。

    We improve the method calculating the bulk viscosity naturally and apply it to the density dependent model .

  9. 算法预先计算体数据的单元梯度,并采用八叉树将体数据划分成多个数据块。

    The algorithm pre-calculated unit gradient of volume data and divide the volume data into multiple data blocks using octree .

  10. 利用衍射理论计算体全息成像系统的点扩展函数,评价成像系统的纵度和深度分辨率特性。

    The point spread function ( PSF ) of volume holographic imaging system is employed to analyze diffraction imaging characteristics and estimate depth resolution .

  11. 笔者提出一种运用高斯积分和牛顿迭代法的数值算法计算体单元情况下的预应力等代荷载,该方法能够适应各种复杂的预应力钢束形状。

    The authors put forward a kind of numerical method combined with the Newton iterative algorithm and Gauss integral algorithm , this method can meet be used to calculate the equivalent loads of prestress in the various complex steel in bundle shapes .

  12. 用三维N-S方程计算钝体绕流

    Navier-Stokes Calculation of Flow Field Around Three-Dimensional Blunt Body

  13. 利用P波阻抗模型正演方法计算砂体模型的地震记录;

    Using the forward modeling technology for P-wave impedance to compute the seismic data for the sandstone ;

  14. 面向CAD设计模型的计算多体动力学虚拟原型

    Computational Multibody Systems Dynamics Virtual Prototype Oriented CAD Design Model

  15. 混合法计算GB体波理论地震图

    Computation of GB body wave synthetic seismograms by a combined method

  16. 计算马氏体转变量的MAGEE公式的改进

    The Improvement of Magee Formula in Calculating the Amount of Martensite Transformation

  17. 在采用简单交错网格的情况下,通过对计算控制体通量的速度进行修正的方法解决了N-S方程压力修法算中遇到的压力场和速度场呈锯齿状分布的问题。

    In the case of using simple stagger grid , by the way of velocity modification for calculating flux of a control volume , the well-known problem of checkerboard distribution of pressure and velocity fields in the pressure-based method is well settled .

  18. 分别在15种不同载荷下,计算出牙体组织的最大主应力、最小主应力和VONMISES应力。

    15 loadings were applied respectively , and the maximum principle stress , the minimum principle stress and the Von Mises stress of the tooth tissue were calculated .

  19. 利用Schamberg模型计算凸体的气动力矩

    Computation of aerodynamic moment of convex bodies using Schamberg model

  20. 采用相干理论中最成熟的算法C3算法,结合小波多尺度分析理论,在分析改进的Morlet小波的基础上,形成分频计算相干体方法。

    The method of calculating seismic coherence tube in frequency division uses the best arithmetic of C_3 by combining multiscale wavelet analysis , and a modified Morlet wavelet algorithm is proposed and is applied to analyze the seismic signals .

  21. Schamberg的超热力学自由分子流粒子&表面作用模型已用于计算凸体的阻力系数。

    The particle-surface interaction model in " hyperthermal free-molecule flow " postulated by Schamberg has been used to calculate drag coefficient of convex bodies .

  22. 以体心立方结构为例,利用紧束缚理论,讨论了热膨胀对固体能带结构的影响,具体计算了体心立方晶格的1S能带和2S能带。

    Using the tight-binding theory , the influences of the thermal expansion on the energy band structure of the solid with a body-centered cubic lattice was discussed , the 1S and 2S energy bands of body-centered cubic lattice were calculated .

  23. 应用Murman-Cole的有限差分法,求解具有纵向大扰动而横向小扰动的跨音速轴对称速势方程,由此计算旋转体跨音速零升力时的压力分布和波阻力,以及激波位置。

    A transonic axisymmetrical potential equation with large disturbance in the free stream direction and small disturbance in the transverse direction is solved by using the Murman-Cole schemes of finite differences .

  24. 多单元聚焦超声加热场的仿真计算和体模实验研究

    Computer Simulation and Experiment Study of A Multi-element Auto-focused Ultrasonic Applicator

  25. 根据此公式,计算得出体长和体重换算表,这在养殖生产中有现实意义。

    This formula is actually of practical significance in culture application .

  26. U-RANS/PDF方法计算钝体后漩涡脱落

    U-rans / pdf simulation of vortex shedding past a bluff body

  27. 计算介质体瞬态散射矩阵元素方法的改进

    Improvement of Computing Matrix Elements in Analyzing Transient Scattering of Dielectric Bodies

  28. 用扩展传递矩阵法计算多体系统的稳态响应

    Extended Transfer Matrix Method to Solute Steady State Response of Multibody System

  29. 一个计算旋转体体积的积分公式

    An Integral Formula of Calculating the Volume of Whirling Body

  30. 结果表明:采用一维不稳态有移动边界的熔化数学模型计算棒体的熔化速度与实验结果相符合。

    The calculated melting rate of scrap was consistent with experimental value .