
  • 网络Simulation software package;SIMPAC SIMulation PACkage
  1. 作者在MCNP的基础上,开发了中子测井,中子通量随空间、能量、时间分布蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟软件包。

    Based on MCNP , authors developed the software package of the Monte Carlo method to simulate the neutron flux distributions with the space , energy and time for neutron logging .

  2. 在MCNP的基础上,开发了井壁超热中子时间谱测井蒙特卡罗(MonteCarlo)模拟软件包。

    The Monte Carlo calculating software packet was developed for wall epithermal neutron time spectrometry logging on the basis of MCNP . The wall epithermal neutron time spectra of simulated open holes were calculated , which vary with the porosity of formation .

  3. 最后通过LOWTRAN模拟软件包对本文所得的模型进行评估。

    At last , we evaluate this function model with the help of LOWTRAN software .

  4. 视频编码系统模拟软件包的设计研究

    Research on Software Packet Design for Video Coding System Simulation

  5. 低温半导体器件模拟软件包

    Software for Simulation of Semiconductor Device at Low Temperature

  6. 矿井通风系统模拟软件包

    A new software package of mine ventilation simulation system

  7. 芳烃萃取工艺模拟软件包中相平衡数据库的建立

    Data package for the simulation of aromatics extraction processes

  8. 介绍一个矿井通风系统模拟软件包。

    This paper introduces a new software package of mine ventilation simulation system .

  9. 基于并口的I~2C总线模拟软件包开发及应用

    Development and Application of I ~ 2C Simulation Software Kit Based on Parallel Port

  10. 泥石流数值模拟软件包类体系的建立及应用

    The object-oriented software package of debris flow numerical simulation and its application in dangerous zoning

  11. 最后总结这些网格模拟软件包的功能与其不足之处,并提出对网格模拟软件发展的一点看法。

    In the end , the functions of these toolkits are summarized and some advices for developing Grid simulation toolkits are given .

  12. 利用新近完成的粘弹塑构造模拟软件包对盆地的动力学演化进行了一系列模拟。

    The evolution of a half graben basin bounded by normal faulting in the upper crust with a Byerlee-type strength envelope has been modelled by elastoplastic finite element analysis .

  13. 以Matlab为平台,开发面向多组分复杂精馏塔和吸收塔系统的精馏稳态模拟计算软件包XD-SOD。

    Based on the general model of multi-component , multi-stage distillation columns , a chemical engineering software package XD-SOD was developed here in by Matlab .

  14. PENELOPE是电子-光子簇射的Monte-Carlo模拟计算软件包(F.Salvat,1996),能量范围为1keV至几百MeV;模拟计算方法为混合模拟,即硬事件的详细模拟与软事件的压缩模拟相结合;

    PENELOPE performs Monte Carlo simulation of electron photon showers in arbitrary for a wide energy range , from 1 keV to several hundred MeV . The method of simulation is a mixed procedure , which combines detailed simulation of hard events with condensed simulation of soft interactions .

  15. 摩托车随机振动计算机模拟试验软件包

    Computer & Simulation Test Software Package for Motorcycle Random vibration

  16. 基于虚拟仪器技术开发的导引头角跟踪模拟与测试系统软件包

    A Seeker-angle-tracing Simulation and Test System Software Developed on Virtual Instruments