
mó nǐ jiào xué
  • simulation teaching
  1. GPS模拟教学实验系统

    Simulation Teaching Experiment System of GPS

  2. 实施后进行护理模拟教学的效果调查,研究这一模式对护士护理差错发生的影响,实验组实习护理差错的发生率明显降低,理论和操作成绩明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    To survey the effects of the simulation teaching , the nursing errors of experimental group are significantly reduced and the theories and operational performance are better than the control group ( p0.05 ) .

  3. 供应链和ERP在电子商务模拟教学系统中的应用

    Realization of Supply Chain & ERP in EC Simulation Training System

  4. 经济管理专业ERP沙盘模拟教学研究

    Research on Economic and Management ERP Sand Table Simulation

  5. ERP模拟教学中存在的问题及解决办法思考

    Some Thoughts on the Problems of the ERP Simulative Teaching and the Solutions of these Problems

  6. 本文详细介绍了WEB方式下的电子商务仿真模拟教学系统设计的总体结构、主要功能模块、系统开发技术及实现。

    The paper introducer the universal structure of electronic business emulate imitate teaching system with Web model , the main functional module and the system develop technology .

  7. ECS模拟教学在外科休克临床教学中的应用

    Application of emergency care simulator teaching in " shock " during clinical bed side teaching

  8. 分析了我国高校ERP模拟教学现状和存在的一些问题,并提出了解决办法。

    This paper analyses the actuality and the existing problems of the ERP simulative teaching in colleges in China and puts forward the solutions of these problems .

  9. 本文旨在设计与开发出国贸Intranet商务信息管理系统,以满足中小企业内部管理或学校模拟教学的需要。

    This paper is to design and develop the international trade commerce information management system based on Intranet and to satisfy the needs of interior management of middle and small enterprises or the needs of simulation teaching .

  10. 本文针对现代营销仿真模拟教学系统进行了调研、分析与设计,应用MVC的主流技术struts-MVC架构进行软件体系结构设计,并且在该项目的开发过程中获得了成功。

    A Modern Marketing Simulation Teaching System has been investigated , analyzed and designed in this thesis , and the latest struts-MVC technology is applied in the software architecture design , which was a great help to the successful development of the system .

  11. 模拟教学方法在管理培训中的运用

    The teaching imitation in the use of the bussiness management training

  12. 基于多机数据通信方式的群控模拟教学系统设计

    Design of Group Controlling Simulation Teaching System Based on Muli-Computer Communication

  13. 财务计算机模拟教学与学习系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Educational System for Accountant Modeling with Computer

  14. 模拟教学及点评在护理专业三基训练中的应用

    Simulated teaching method and its application in three-basic nursing training

  15. 模拟教学的作用与临床课教改的关系

    Function of Mock Teaching and Relationship Between it with Clinical Courses Reform

  16. 教师角色模拟教学的实践和探索

    The Practice and Exploration of the Teacher 's Role in Simulating Teaching

  17. 模拟教学法在《规划管理实务》课程中的应用

    Application of Simulation Teaching Method in the Course of Urban Planning Management

  18. 沙盘模拟教学是一种全新的教学方式。

    Board simulation teaching is a totally new teaching method .

  19. 工作情景模拟教学法在数据库实训课程中的应用

    Application of Working Scenario Simulation Teaching for Database Practical Training

  20. 工控现场模拟教学系统的设计

    Design of Simulating Teaching System of Industrial Control Locale

  21. 体操课微型模拟教学实验研究

    Micro Simulated Teaching Experiment of the Course of Gymnastics

  22. 构建高校证券业务模拟教学实验室

    Setting up simulation teaching laboratory of the stock certificate business in high school

  23. 医学模拟教学的发展及其在教学环节中的应用

    The Development and the Function of Medical Simulation Teaching

  24. 电子商务仿真模拟教学系统设计及实现

    Design on Emulate Imitate Teaching System of Electronic Business

  25. 高端模拟教学试验在护理学基础教学中的应用

    Application of Advanced Simulative Teaching in Fundamental Nursing Education

  26. 场景模拟教学法在计算机网络课程中的应用研究

    Application of the Scenario Simulation Approach to the " Computer Networks " Course

  27. 仿真人模拟教学在急救护理技能教学中的应用

    Application of Simulation in Teaching of Emergency Nursing Skills

  28. 实用礼仪教学中情境模拟教学法的运用

    Application of Situational Simulative Teaching Method in Practical Etiquette

  29. 高端智能模拟教学在儿科护理实践教学中的应用

    Application of high-tech intelligence simulation teaching in pediatrics care

  30. 道路交通事故处理模拟教学的若干问题浅议

    Brief Talk About Some Problems Of Simulated Teaching of Handling With Traffic Accidents