
  • 网络Individual counseling;consult individually
  1. 个体咨询方式在思想道德修养课中的运用

    The application of individual consultation in the moral training lesson of thought

  2. 个案研究结果表明,针对由于性问题引发的心理问题,用认知&行为的方法进行个体咨询效果明显。

    The study shows that cognition - behavior method is applied to individual mental counseling if they are cause by sex problems .

  3. 对干预组患者进行综合心理干预模式,包括:发放文字材料&自我调试宣传手册,医护人员关爱,电话心理咨询,集体调试,个体咨询,心理医生辅导等;

    The patients of intervention group were given comprehensive mental intervention , which included handing out materials ( self-debugging propagandist manual ), care from staff , mental counseling by telephone , group debugging , individual counseling , guidance by mental doctor , etc.

  4. 对实验组施以实验处理即进行团体心理干预并辅之个体心理咨询,而控制组不施以实验处理。

    A series of experiments were conducted on the experimental group , while no experiments were done on the control group .

  5. 本研究不仅深化和拓展了内隐记忆心境一致性记忆研究领域,而且对抑郁个体的咨询与治疗实践有一定的理论和现实的指导意义。

    The research is not only deepen and extended the field of mood-congruency memory , but also guidance significance for the depression of consultation and treatment .

  6. 研究以移情和后果认知为训练内容,运用个体心理咨询、团体心理咨询等教育干预手段对有欺负行为的18名儿童进行了为期3个月的教育干预。

    The Study conducted the educational intervention program with the training in empathy and consequence cognition on the 18 children who have bullying behavior for three month , such as individual counseling , group counseling .

  7. 本土化的自体心理学理论,适用于我国现阶段的个体心理咨询,它可以在短期内协助来访者达到令人满意的功能水平,回归正常的学习与生活;

    The localization of the Self Psychology was appropriate for our present individual counseling . It could help the case to achieve satisfactory functions and return to the normal learning and life in near future .

  8. 他们为个体经营者开设咨询中心。

    They run an advice centre for the self-employed .

  9. 结论结合流行率的影响,平行试验更适用于人群的个体诊断、自愿咨询检测(VCT)及要求漏诊率很低的血液筛查(如血站、医院的献血员筛查),但费用较高。

    Conclusion Parallel method was more suitable to be used for personnel diagnosis , consultation after testing and blood screening if the prevalence rate was considered .

  10. 也就是说越倾向于外控的个体可能作为心理咨询当事人自我效能越差。

    In other words , self-efficacy of external control individual may be lower .

  11. 自我结构与辅导员作为心理咨询当事人自我效能呈显著正相关,也就是说越倾向于独立的个体可能作为心理咨询当事人自我效能越高。

    Self-structure and self-efficacy were positively correlated , In other words , independent self-structure individual has higher self-efficacy .

  12. 团体的干预方案主要针对学校学生集体进行的心理辅导,个体认知干预方案是针对个体心理咨询的。

    Group interfering way is used mainly for psychological coaching of students in a collective way while individual-cognition interfering scheme for individual psychological consultation .