
  1. 基于投机需求的个人融资投资房地产的模型

    The Personal Finance Real Estate Investment Model Based on the Speculative Demand

  2. 个人融资担保业务是因个人需求,由担保公司为其提供信用担保,从银行获得贷款支持的担保业务。

    Personal finance guarantee business because of personal needs , from security company to provide credit guarantees to obtain loans from the bank 's guarantee business .

  3. 银行不仅为商业,工业和农业融资,还为许多私营客户提供借贷和透支的个人融资。

    Banks not only provide finance for commerce , industry and agriculture , but also for many private customers who are helped in their personal finances by loans and overdrafts .

  4. 论我国个人住房融资中寿险介入的法律构建

    On the Law Construction in the Intervention of Life Insurance in Individual Housing Financing in China

  5. 在比较中外住房融资中寿险介入的基础上,对我国个人住房融资中寿险介入的法律构建提出了4点建议。

    On the basis of comparing the intervention of life insurance in housing financing at home and abroad , this paper puts forward four suggestions as to the law construction in the intervention of life insurance in individual 's housing financing .

  6. 个人创业巧妙融资

    Skillful Financing in Initiating Private Business

  7. 论家族企业融资模式演进逻辑&个人依附型融资向市场主导型融资的转化

    On Evolution Logic of Financing Model in Family Enterprises & Transition from Individual-oriented Financing to Market-oriented Financing

  8. 这些变化引导着民营企业的融资模式由个人依附型融资模式转化为市场主导型融资模式。

    These changes lead the financing mode of private enterprises to change from individual attachment financing mode to market-oriented financing mode .

  9. 保证金成为商业银行降低相关业务风险的重要手段,也成为广大公司及个人客户获取融资和金融服务的重要要件。

    Margin become an important method to reduce business risks , has also become an important way for companies and individual customers to obtain funding and financial services .

  10. 这些贷款是欺骗,因为他们每月付款穗后,最初的报道率,常常迫使个人进行再融资,产生的费用离开消费者更糟。

    These loans are deceiving , as their monthly payments spike up after the initial quoted rate and often force individuals to refinance , generating fees that leave consumers even worse off .

  11. 在休斯敦审判期间,检方出示的证据显示,斯坦福几十年前就开始诈骗,他拿新客户的资金还给老客户,并为不断壮大的个人商业帝国融资。

    During the trial in Houston , prosecutors presented evidence showing Mr Stanford started his scheme decades ago and used new customer funds to pay others while funding his growing personal business empire .

  12. 投融资企业组织是现代金融服务体系的重要组成部分,是在市场经济不断深化的背景下出现的,以服务中小微型企业及部分个人的特殊融资需求的企业组织。

    Financing is an important part of modern financial service system , is a useful complement to traditional financial industry system , is to appear in the deepening of market economy background , the enterprise organization special financing services for small and medium-sized micro-enterprises and personal .

  13. 第1节,详细分析了我国目前资金供给的主体来源,认为国外资本、国内机构投资者,国内富有阶层或个人是主要的融资对象。

    In Section one , the author analyzes the source of fund and the overseas capital , domestic organization investors and rich people are figured out as financing main body .

  14. 民间借贷是最原始的一种借贷方式,长期以来都是个人投资创业的融资形式之一,而且还是中小企业最基本的原始资本和风险资本的来源。

    Folk loan is a loan of the most primitive , has long been one of the forms of financing of personal investment venture , but also small and medium enterprises the basic original capital and risk capital source .