
ɡuó jì diào chá
  • international investigation;international inquiry
  1. 以色列官员表示,进行国际调查的提议来自联合国秘书长潘基文。他认为,国际调查应该由新西兰前总理杰弗里·帕尔默(GeoffreyPalmer)领导。

    Israeli officials say the proposal for an international inquiry came from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who said it should be led by a former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer .

  2. 国际调查认为朝鲜应对事件负责。

    An international inquiry found North Korea responsible .

  3. NPR新闻的克劳迪奥·桑切斯将带来有史以来第一次成年人能力的国际调查结果。

    NPR 's Claudio Sanchez has the results of the first-ever international survey of adult competences .

  4. AC尼尔森国际调查集团共对42个国家进行了调查,结果发现,60%的美国人认为60岁才是中年的开始。美国堪称世界上最大的整容手术和抗衰老护肤品消费国。

    Global research group AC Nielsen surveyed people in 42 countries and found 60 percent of Americans , the world 's biggest consumers of cosmetic surgery and anti-aging skincare , believe their sixties are the new middle age .

  5. 一项CNN/ORC国际调查显示观众们的同样思考思考:67%的人认为州长罗姆尼赢得周三晚上的胜利。

    A CNN / ORC international poll showed viewers thought the same way : 67 % thought that Governor Romney won on Wednesday night .

  6. 中国政府专家根据加拿大的NGO国际调查,于7月1日发布一篇报道,表示三峡大坝已经引起了严重的地质活动。

    Probe International , a Canadian NGO , published a report on June 1st by Chinese government experts saying the dam had caused " significantly increased " seismic activity .

  7. 德勤咨询(deloitteconsulting)进行的一项国际调查发现,合格的会计师及其他专业财务人员日益短缺,特别是在东欧和亚洲,这将制约企业外包财务功能的努力。

    A growing shortage of qualified accountants and other finance professionals , especially in Eastern Europe and Asia , will limit efforts to outsource corporate financial functions , an international survey by Deloitte Consulting has found .

  8. 在最近的国际调查中,国际学生评估项目(PISA)将美国学生在数学上的表现排在27名。

    In its most recent international survey , the Program for International Student Assessment ( PISA . ) ranked the United States in 27th place for student performance in math .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)对一些最资深的交易员采取了停职措施,因一项针对可能存在的操纵银行间贷款利率行为的国际调查与他们相关。此事是金融危机爆发以来打击瑞银的最新争议。

    UBS has suspended some of its most senior traders in connection with an international probe into the possible manipulation of interbank borrowing rates , in the latest controversy to hit the bank since the financial crisis .

  10. 在周日晚的一个电话会议上,普京和德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)同意,所有乌克兰内战相关方都应当努力为独立的国际调查人员提供安全的工作环境。

    In a telephone call between Mr Putin and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on Sunday night , the two leaders agreed that all sides in the inner-Ukrainian conflict should guarantee a safe working environment for an independent international investigation .

  11. 因此,通过YouGov的第三次大规模名人受仰慕度国际调查,我们可以得出结论:相比于政治,全球公众更加看重人道主义。

    So in the third installation of YouGov 's massive international study of personality admiration , it 's safe to say the global public values humanitarianismover politics .

  12. 二人敦促乌克兰危机中的对立双方在马航坠毁航班MH17的国际调查中互相合作。

    They 've been calling on both sides in the Ukraine crisis to facilitate and cooperate in the ongoing international investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Fight MH17 .

  13. 法语非洲(PASEC)和东南非洲(SACMEQ)最近进行的国际调查表明,在所有参加评估的低收入国家中,男童都领先于女童。

    Recent international surveys by Francophone Africa ( PASEC ) and Eastern and Southern Africa ( SACMEQ ) show boys ahead of girls in all of the low income countries who participated in the assessments .

  14. 欧洲刑警组织(Europol)昨日表示,迄今已有150个国家的20万台电脑在第一波网络攻击中受到感染。“最近这起袭击达到前所未有的水平,将需要展开一场复杂的国际调查来找出幕后黑手,”该组织补充称。

    So far , 200000 computers across 150 countries are known to have been infected in the first wave of the cyber attack , Europol said yesterday . " The recent attack is at an unprecedented level and will require a complex international investigation to identify the culprits , " Europe 's police agency added .

  15. 据一项国际调查显示,绝大部分孩子不会。

    According to an international survey , the vast majority do not .

  16. 国际调查人员指责是朝鲜潜艇发动的袭击。

    International investigators have blamed a North Korean submarine for the attack .

  17. 环境资料的公布:公司报告做法的国际调查

    Environmental disclosures : international survey of corporate reporting practices

  18. 嗨,克里斯蒂,向你致以新年的问候,这是一项主要的国际调查,

    Hi , Kristie , year , it 's a major international investigation ,

  19. 一次国际调查得出的结论是,天安舰是被一枚北韩鱼雷击沉的。

    An international investigation concluded the ship was hit by a North Korean torpedo .

  20. 国际调查德国结论称,天安号军舰是被朝鲜鱼雷击中。

    An international investigation concluded the Cheonan was hit by a North Korean torpedo .

  21. 国际调查小组得出结论,天安舰号是被朝鲜鱼雷击中的。

    An international investigation concluded that the Cheonan was hit by a North Korean torpedo .

  22. 香港在历次国际调查中,都被评为亚洲最廉洁的地方之一。

    International surveys consistently rate Hong Kong as one of the least-corrupt places in asia .

  23. 列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。

    On Thursday , Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes .

  24. 在最近一个国际调查中,德国被选为世界上最没有幽默感的国家。

    Germany has been voted the least funny country in the world in an international poll .

  25. 上海老师得到这一高度评价是因为他们在一项国际调查中获得了12个指标的最高分数。

    The assessment came after local teachers scored highest in 12 indicators in an international survey .

  26. 国际调查称军舰由鱼雷击沉,但是没有指明是平壤所为。

    The international investigation said the ship was sunk by a torpedo and it did point Pyongyang .

  27. 一项国际调查认定,韩国天安舰是被北韩鱼雷攻击后沉没的。

    An international investigation concluded that the South Korean frigate Cheonan was attacked by a North Korean torpedo .

  28. 这次冲突引发的问题还有很多其他问题需要立即展开客观的国际调查。

    The questions raised by the confrontation and there are many demand an immediate and objective international investigation .

  29. 伊朗表示,在签署议定书后允许国际调查人员进入核设施。

    Iran says it will allow international inspectors to enter its nuclear facilities after a protocol is signed .

  30. 但是国际调查小组的负责人表示,今天没有发现人类遗体。

    But the head of the team of international investigators said no additional human remains were found today .