
jiān duān kē jì
  • Cutting-edge technology;most advanced science and technology
  1. 本院的这种中西治疗法,是一种古老的传统医术与尖端科技的结晶。

    In our hospital this Chinese and Western medical treatment is the fruit of ancient traditional leechcraft and most advanced science and technology .

  2. 英国人甘布利说:"在我看来,一个尖端科技国家依赖一项40年前的技术,这太疯狂了。"

    " It seems crazy to me , " says Gumbley , who is English , " that a cutting-edge-technology country is depending on a 40-year-old technology . "

  3. 就在我们抱着刚买的双核心笔电洋洋自得的同时,Intel仍然不忘提醒我们一下双核心已经不是最尖端科技了。

    Just when we were feeling a bit smug about our new dual-core lappies , along comes Intel to remind us that you 're never on the cutting edge for long .

  4. 无线传感器网络(WSN)作为具有巨大影响力的先进技术之一,综合了传感器、微电子、无线通信以及现代网络技术等尖端科技,为人类社会和物理世界的交互提供了种新途径。

    As an advanced and influential technology , Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) integrated sensor , microelectronics , wireless communication and modern network technology . It provides a new communication method between human society and physical world .

  5. 是生产最尖端科技的产品,还是打造利润最大的企业?

    The company with the highest-tech products or the biggest profits ?

  6. 艾略特的诗比尖端科技要复杂的多。

    T.s.eiiot is more complicated than advanced science .

  7. 在过去的二十年中,IT技术逐渐实现了从尖端科技到商业化的转变。

    In the past twenty years , IT technology has gradually realized commercial transformation from high-tech.

  8. 然而他同时也让几百万人触及到了尖端科技。

    Yet he also empowered millions of people by giving them access to cutting-edge technology .

  9. 引进尖端科技,追求卓越品质;实施高效管理,提供满意服务。

    Introduce sophisticated technology , pursue outstanding quality ; implement efficient management , provide favorable service .

  10. 这程序不错,但我真正想要的是尖端科技。

    The program is good , but what I really like is the most advanced technology .

  11. 美国太平洋西北部长期以来一直是绿色政治和尖端科技产生的摇篮。

    The Pacific Northwest has long been a hotbed of both Green politics and cutting-edge technology .

  12. 尖端科技研究实验室自打被联邦应急管理署定为四级危险地区后就没再运行过。

    S.T.A.R.Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a class 4 hazardous location .

  13. 许多参观者在这里流连忘返,感受来自意大利的魅力与尖端科技。

    Many visitors stop to hang around here and feel the charm and cutting-edge technology from Italy .

  14. 中间立体感的正方形,主要传达的概念即我们以尖端科技,投入高性能的半导体晶片设计、制造。

    The diamond in the middle represents our pursuit of high technology in high performance IC design and manufacturing .

  15. 是一家引进国外尖端科技,集开发、生产、销售为一体的先进企业。

    Is an introduction of foreign advanced technology , development , production , sales as one of the advanced enterprises .

  16. 老爸,看看巴里是如何帮你解决粪便问题的,不如让他去尖端科技研究实验室?

    Dad , seeing as how barry solved your poop problem , how about letting him go to S.T.A.R. labs ?

  17. 公司以尖端科技为技术依托,集科研、开发、销售为一体,重金从国外引进了高精尖设备。

    RICH SOLAR relies much on the cutting-edge technology , and has brought a series of machines and settings from abroad .

  18. 我深信各界人士都会像我一样,热切期待亲身体验尖端科技如何改变我们的生活。

    I 'm sure the public , like me , will be very eager to experience how state-of-the-art technologies will change our lives .

  19. 还有一些看似在未来几年可能会无法全方位武装的,比如中国最新的尖端科技尖20隐形飞机。

    Others are unlikely to achieve full operational capability for years to come , including the headline-grabbing Chinese stealth fighter , the J-20 .

  20. 创民族品牌,长民族志气,技术上与国际尖端科技接轨,努力开拓国际市场。

    Create a national brand , heighten the national aspiration , keep the pace with international cutting-edge technologies , and strive to develop international markets .

  21. 但是,消费者会因此得到更多尖端科技和时尚的设计--这是一款肯定会给你留下深刻印象的手机。

    However , it is said that users will receive more cutting-edge technology and a sleeker design - a handset that is sure to impress .

  22. 然而,越来越多精通技术的投资者认为他们可以利用数学和计算机尖端科技,来预测金融市场的起起伏伏。

    Increasingly , however , technology-savvy investors think they can harness mathematics and bleeding edge computer science to predict the ebb and flow of financial markets .

  23. 夹在中国(的低成本)和日本(的尖端科技)之间,韩国的制造业先要生存,就要发展生产绿色高科技产品。

    Sandwiched between China ( with lower costs ) and Japan ( with superior technology ), Korean manufacturers have much catching up to do in green-tech products .

  24. 工厂的建设将符合“能源环保设计白金标准”的要求,并将应用奥的斯电梯的所有尖端科技。

    It would incorporate all leading Otis technologies across the world and was being built to leadership in Energy and Environment Design ( LEED ) gold standards .

  25. 但实际里面藏着尖端科技。这个产品可能会成为对抗犯罪分子、敌方间谍和福利欺骗的有力武器。

    But it is actually a disguised hi-tech gadget which could become a potent new weapon in the fight against criminals , enemy spies and benefits cheats .

  26. 创意产业是文化艺术创意和尖端科技产品融合的新兴产业,包括影视、出版、音乐、艺术、时尚设计、软件游戏、广告、建筑设计等13个行业。

    Creative industry is the new industry compromised by culture art creative and sophisticated science and technology products , including movie , publication , music , art , etc.

  27. 与金属、塑料相比,陶瓷材料具有优异的耐高温和抗腐蚀等良好的性能,因此广泛地应用于尖端科技领域。

    Compared with metal and plastic , ceramic materials have many advantages such as heat resistant and anti-rusty , which have been extensively applied to advanced technological fields .

  28. 你爸要我处理证据,所以我不知道我们是否能去尖端科技研究实验室。

    Your dad needs me to process some evidence , which means I don 't know if we 're going to be able to make it to S.T.A.R. labs .

  29. 辽宁经典奢侈品传媒科技有限公司的发展见证了东北地区高端奢侈品类杂志与尖端科技产品的成长与繁荣。

    Development of Liaoning Classical Luxury Goods and Media Technology Co. , Ltd has proved high luxury goods magazine and highly sophisticated products growing and flourishing in Northeast area .

  30. 如果事实不是这样,那么或许你的收音机还没有直接的、或是不断地与我们的广播相校准,我们的广播远超出你们所能想象的尖端科技。

    If that is not the case , then perhaps your radio is not tuned directly or constantly on our broadcasting that has proven its efficiency far beyond your imaginable frontiers .