
  1. 尖峰岭热带山地雨林更新林产流特征研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Runoff Yield in a Regenerative Tropical Mountain Rainforest

  2. 鼎湖山、尖峰岭和那大地区某些土壤的氧化还原状况

    Oxidation-reduction regime in some soils of dinghu / jianfeng mountains and Nada region

  3. 海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林主要种群生态位特征研究

    Study on the Niche Characteristics of Main Tree Populations in Tropical Mountain Rain Forest

  4. 海南岛尖峰岭的热带森林昆虫

    Tropical Forest Insects Island

  5. 尖峰岭国家森林公园之旅的一大亮点便是鸣凤谷,这里属于典型的热带山地雨林植被。

    The tour to Jianfengling is highlighted by the Mingfenggu Valley section , the most typical original tropical highland rainforest .

  6. 本文是《海南岛尖峰岭林区昆虫区系》研究的一部分。

    This paper deals with Arctiidae , one of the families of insect fauna at Jianfengling forest area in Hainan Island .

  7. 谢谢海南林业局苏先生及尖峰岭国家森林公园蒋主任让我们进入核心区内观鸟。

    Thank you to Mr Su of Hainan Forestry , Mr Jiang officer of Jiangfengling to allow us to get into the core area .

  8. 由于受山体位置与山系走向的影响,吊罗山和尖峰岭两大热带林区的气温及降雨的差异较大。

    Because of the influence of the mountain 's position and tendency , the difference of air temperature and precipitation of these two regions is relatively high .

  9. 主成分分析和多元回归分析表明,海拔梯度和干扰方式是影响尖峰岭热带天然林物种多样性格局最重要的两个因素。

    The principle component analysis and multiple regression analysis showed that elevation and disturbance type were the two most important factors in defining the patterns of species diversity .

  10. 对海南尖峰岭地区30年生的热带乡土树种&绿楠人工林进行了样地调查,并进行了样木横剖树干解析,研究其生长规律及与环境的关系。

    The sample plot investigation and stem analysis were conducted in order to study growth rhythm of 30 year old Manglietia hainanensis and to analyze the relationship between the growth and site environments .

  11. 2005年达维台风造成了尖峰岭热带天然林内大量风倒木、断枝和落叶的产生,同时导致了群落郁闭度减少、透光性增强,并产生大量的林隙。

    Many wind-blown trees , broken branches and fallen leaves appeared after Typhoon Damrey in 2005 , which directly made the decrease of crown density , and the increase of penetrating light and many canopy gaps .

  12. 尖峰岭国家森林公园位于海南岛西南部,距三亚市90公里,是我国现存面积最大、保存最完好的热带原始雨林,被誉为“中国的亚马逊雨林”。

    Located in the southwest of Hainan Island , Jianfengling National Forest Park is 90 kilometers away from Sanya City . It 's the largest and best-preserved tropical original forest in China and known as the Amazon Rainforest of China .