
  1. 南方地区住宅建筑设计多样化的研究

    A Study on the Variation of Apartment Design in South China

  2. 住宅建筑设计秒流量计算方法的改进思路

    Improvement of Calculation Method of Design Water Flow for Residential Building

  3. 浅谈住宅建筑设计与内装修设计的统一

    On the unity between residential architectural design and internal decoration design

  4. 住宅建筑设计要与时俱进,把握住房消费的导向,搞好更完善的住宅设计,满足市场需求,适应市场发展的需要。

    So dwelling house design should meet requirements of the market .

  5. 节能50%的住宅建筑设计

    Design of a 50 % energy , conserving residential building

  6. 基于面向对象的住宅建筑设计专家系统

    A housing design expert system by the object oriented method

  7. 太阳能热水器供暖住宅建筑设计应考虑的问题

    On Problems for Architecture Design of House with Solar-water Heaters

  8. 对板式高层住宅建筑设计的探讨

    Research on the Architectural Design of Apartment of Board Building

  9. 住宅建筑设计中的环境问题

    The problem of environment in the design of residential building

  10. 新世纪住宅建筑设计的初探

    Preliminary Study on the Architectural Design of Residences in the New Century

  11. 从住宅建筑设计角度引导绿色生活方式

    Advocating green life style from the perspective of residence design

  12. 老年住宅建筑设计中的社会心理行为思考

    On Social Psychological Behavior of Architectural Design of Residence for the Old

  13. 住宅建筑设计中的地质因素分析

    An Analysis on Geological Factor in Residential Architectural Designs

  14. 现代住宅建筑设计的发展趋势

    Development trend of architecture design of modern residential buildings

  15. 唐山市小区规划和住宅建筑设计方案评介

    Comments on Some Projects of Residential Quarter Planning and Housing Design for Tangshan

  16. 复合围护结构保温技术在节能住宅建筑设计中的应用

    Heat Preservation Technology of Composite Wall Applies in the Energy Efficiency Housing Design

  17. 绿色技术也更多的被运用到住宅建筑设计中。

    The green technology more is also utilized in the residential building design .

  18. 住宅建筑设计与居住环境建设

    Design of Residence Building and Construction of Living Environment

  19. 百年大计以人为本&再谈京城高层住宅建筑设计

    A Further Look into High-rise Housing Design in Beijing

  20. 天津理工学院高层住宅建筑设计分析

    Analyze on high residential building design of Tianjin institute of science and engineering

  21. 探索住宅建筑设计品牌化之路

    Exploring for the brand-building of the residential design

  22. 未来住宅建筑设计的构想

    Idea of Future Residential Housing Architectural Design

  23. 住宅建筑设计中节能措施

    Energy - Saving in Housing Construction Design

  24. 对我国未来住宅建筑设计尽一份绵薄之力。

    I 'm here to make my contribution to China House Design in the future .

  25. 浅议城市住宅建筑设计

    Talking about Architectural Design of Urban Dwellings

  26. 重庆地区住宅建筑设计与气候

    Chongqing Residential Building Design with Climate

  27. 本文针对某住宅建筑设计了地源热泵空调系统。

    This paper designed a ground source heat pump air conditioning system for a residential building .

  28. 无梯井住宅建筑设计

    No stairwell design for residential building

  29. 中国传统建筑生态思想及其在现代住宅建筑设计中的运用

    Ecological Thoughts in the Chinese Traditional Architecture and Its Applying to the Design of Modern Residence

  30. 提高设计自由度,实施以性能规定为基础,技术规定为保障的住宅建筑设计标准体系。

    Raising freedom of design , and carrying out the standard system based on the function provisions .