
zhù jiā
  • Home;live;reside in;household
住家 [zhù jiā]
  • [household] 住户

住家[zhù jiā]
  1. 我为小女儿请了个住家保姆。

    I have a live-in nanny for my youngest daughter .

  2. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。

    Students are accommodated in homes nearby .

  3. 山里的住家寥若晨星。

    Dwellings in the mountains are few and far between .

  4. 一些学生被安置在附近的住家中。

    Some students were accommodated in homes nearby .

  5. 他在郊区住家。

    He lives with his family in the suburbs .

  6. 他们聘用了一名住家的家庭教师。

    They engaged a resident tutor .

  7. 办公用户或住家用户能够通过PPPoE协议去共享连接DSL、CABLEModem或无线连接到因特网。

    PPPoE can be used to have an office or building-full of users share a common Digital Subscriber Line ( DSL ), cable modem , or wireless connection to the Internet .

  8. 同时它也想要这位歌手卖掉梦幻庄园牧场(NeverlandRanch),这个曾经拥有游乐园和动物园的天王住家,在这里,发生过引发争议的儿童过夜事件。

    It also wants the singer to sell his Neverland Ranch , the home of his private amusement park and menagerie and site of his controversial sleepovers with young children .

  9. 当时的现场调查发现,该病例曾接触其住家附近的病禽,那里某些禽类检测H5病毒亚型呈阳性。

    A field investigation at the time found that the case was exposed to diseased poultry in the vicinity of his home , where some birds tested positive for the H5 virus subtype .

  10. 九龙北塘避风塘〔不准住家船只进入〕

    Kowloon North Camber Typhoon Shelter [ closed to dwelling vessels ]

  11. 住家的阳台都对着广场。

    The balconies of the houses look out on the plaza .

  12. 这些包裹前往各个住家,其中也包括林恩·沙纳在内。

    Those packages are headed for homes , including Lynn Shaner 's.

  13. 低头望去,远处不知是路灯还是住家的灯火在闪烁着光芒。

    Some distant lamp or lighted window gleamed below me .

  14. 柴湾公共货物装卸区〔不准住家船只进入〕

    Chai Wan Public Cargo Working Area [ closed to dwelling vessels ]

  15. 他把这个牌子立在住家外面的大门上。

    He puts it on the gate outside his house .

  16. 参观扎巴林的住家同样充满惊喜。

    Visiting the homes of the Zabbaleen is also full of surprises .

  17. 不过两人的住家电话则都一样。

    But even the home phone number was the same .

  18. 在海上航行了5天后,我们总算住家航行了。

    After five days at sea , we were finally home-ward bound .

  19. 呆在这个住家家里表示天天想在演台剧一样。

    Staying here just like acting in theater every day .

  20. 我们正要去取得对他住家的搜索状。

    We 're getting a search warrant for his house .

  21. 莱斯说,我们夫妻两人都要上班,因此孩子们有一个住家保姆。

    We both work , so the kids have an au pair .

  22. 对不起,这里是私人住家。

    I 'm sorry , This is private number .

  23. 一个叫“住家分派计划办公室”的机构负责此事。

    They have an office called Home Stay Program taking charge of it .

  24. 他们扩建了住家兼店铺的房子。

    They added on to the house and shop .

  25. 请按照住家地址把票寄给我。

    Please send the ticket to my home address .

  26. 这里的住家不多。

    There were not many houses in the area .

  27. 住院较住家照料为优。

    Hospitalization has an advantage over home care .

  28. 你打算住学校寝室还是住家里?

    Are you going to live in the student 's dorm or at home ?

  29. 他昨天过来过我的住家。

    He came over to my place yesterday .

  30. 从住家收集废物的技术准则;

    Technical guidelines on wastes collected from households ;