
  • Residential layout;【建】housing layout
  1. 高起点做好黄浦江两岸住宅布局规划

    Planning High-Level Layout of Housing along Riversides of Huangpu

  2. 上海中心城区住宅布局研究

    On the Residential Layout in Shanghai Central City

  3. 同质聚居与阶层交流、阶层融合&对当前长春市社区居住模式的思考上海市人口迁居与住宅布局发展的探讨

    Homogeneity of habitation and Social Stratum Exchange 、 Social Stratum Fusion & Think Deeply About Residential Pattern of Residential Quarter in Changchun

  4. 从黄浦江两岸四个重要开发地区着手,在规划范围、用地规模指标和建筑空间、景观、高度控制上,高起点做好浦江两岸住宅布局规划。

    The high-level housing planning along riversides of Huangpu is described from such aspects as scope of planning , index of use land , architecture space , landscape and control of building height based on four key development districts of this area .

  5. 第三章根据低密度联排式住宅规划布局的基本原则,对低密度联排式住宅规划设计方法进行探讨。

    The third chapter focuses on basic planning rule of Low-density Row Housing , ways of design and planning were discussed .

  6. 介绍了上海杨浦明殊苑小区规划设计中的住宅群体布局,室外景观设计、道路交通的组织,以及住宅单体的房型与立面处理。

    In this article , authors introduce the layout of residential building complex , outdoor landscape design , traffic system , flats of residential building and elevation treatment in the planning and design of Shanghai Yangpu Pearl Garden .

  7. 相对自然因素中的气候和地形环境来讲主要的影响为住宅的布局和房间的自然特性的问题,例如基本的采光通风遮阳的问题,同时也会对住宅的外观起到作用。

    Relatively natural factors in the climate and terrain terms of the major nature environmental impact for residential rooms and the layout of the natural characteristics of issues , such as basic lighting and shade ventilation problems , but also play a role in the residential appearance .

  8. 浅谈风水在住宅建筑平面布局中的应用

    On the application of geomancy in plan layout of residential building

  9. 浅谈住宅区规划布局与空间环境设计

    Brief Talk about Residential Area Planning and Space Environment Design

  10. 城市住宅区优化布局研究&以益阳市为例

    Research on Optimization Scheme of Residential Area in City

  11. 移民住宅的功能布局和建设质量是工程效益与整体人居环境可持续发展的大事。

    The functional arrangement and construction quality is crucial to the benefits of projects and sustainable development of overall residential environment .

  12. 为住宅小区建筑布局的规划建设及建筑室内通风效果预测提供了指导和优化途径。

    The study provide guidance and optimizing methods to the residential buildings layout for the planning and the prediction of indoor ventilation .

  13. 南京市新建住宅小区体育设施布局不合理,以混合分散式为主,不方便居民健身。

    The layout of fitness facilities of new residential areas in Nanjing is not reasonable . 5 .

  14. 文章介绍了日本东京都都民住宅的建筑设计、内部布局、建筑材料、装修设计、细部设计、物业管理等,以及与国内住宅设计布局上的不同之处。

    This article introduces the architectural design , internal layout , building materials , decoration designs , detailed designs , property management , etc. of civil residence in Kyoto , Japan , as well as the differences from domestic residence with respect to design and layout .

  15. 从建筑设计角度研究改善铁路沿线住宅居住条件的方法,主要研究不同类型住宅的房间布局、外维护结构、格栅的做法。房间布局形式分通廊式住宅和单元式住宅。

    In view of architectural design , it mainly studies the improvements of conditions of residential houses along the railway lines , mainly including the room layout of different residential houses and the work methods of external protection structure and grills .

  16. 选取陕西省中部地区的小城镇住宅作为研究对象,进行实地调研,把握了现阶段小城镇住宅布局疏松、基础实施建设滞后、建筑用地浪费、层高过高等现状。

    Summed up the technologies to use renewable energy and the method of maintain low operating power consumption in the central region of Shaanxi Province was selected as the object of study .

  17. 这种形式的住宅符合当前的房改政策和住宅商品化要求,达到了住宅室内灵活布局,建筑底部多功能利用的目的。

    In conclusion , it is abiding by the general housing policy nowadays coping with the requirements of a commercial housing market and with a multi-functional flexible ground floor planning .

  18. 摩洛哥当地的建筑风格让坎贝尔夫妇感到震撼。他们的庭园式住宅配有长沙发和矮桌,可供人坐着喝茶。整套住宅的布局设计围绕着一座庭院,以露天采光而不是通过窗户。

    In Morocco , the Campbells were struck by the local architectural style , the way their riad was furnished with long couches and low tables for people to sit and drink tea , and designed around a courtyard with an opening to the sky instead of windows to let in light .