
  1. 《老乞大》四种版本中方位短语X+方作状语的比较

    Comparison of the " LaoQiDa " Position in Four Versions for the Adverbial Phrase " X + Position "

  2. 第四联为记帐联,销货方作销售的记帐凭证。

    The fourth copy is the " bookkeeping copy ", which is used by the seller as sales record for bookkeeping .

  3. 第三方所作的从中调解的一切努力均告失败。

    All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all .

  4. 资料用卡方检验作统计分析。

    Statistic analysis of the data was performed by χ 2 test .

  5. 简支方板作自由振动时的频率

    Frequencies of the simple propping square plate in vibration

  6. 方酸作桥联配体的双核铕螯合物的电致发光

    Electroluminescent Devices Based on Binuclear Europium Chelate with Square Acid as Bridge Ligand

  7. 现在,我方可作以下报价

    Presently , we can make the following offer

  8. 1信用卡付款须在信用卡中心批核后,登记方可作实。

    Registration is confirmed only after the credit card transaction approved by the card center .

  9. 第二个是正面的自言自语&压抑你的负面情绪,对另外一方暂作无罪推定。

    Their second is positive self-talk – to squash your negative feelings and give the other person the benefit of the doubt .

  10. 若以均方误差作度量估计优劣的标准,模拟显示当误差相关程度较高时,新估计优于文献中常见的矩估计。

    Our simulation results show that for high errors correlation case , new estimate is superior over the moment estimate appeared in literature under mean square error criterion .

  11. 在假设目标公司对购并方不作购并反应的条件下,分析购并中单个交易主体的内部风险和外部风险。

    Thus this article analyzes the inner and outer risks for the individual dealer in the course of annexing under the condition that the given objective company made no reaction to the annexing part .

  12. 利用静力挠度很方便地确定了简支方板作自由振动时的频率。

    Frequencies of the simple propping square plate in vibration by using defletion of the static force were determined , and the frequencies formula for the simple propping square plate in vibration for dispersed and consecutive system were obtained .

  13. 出来要迷惑地上四方的列国,(方原文作角)就是歌革和玛各,叫他们聚集争战。他们的人数多如海沙。

    And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth , Gog and Magog , to gather them together to battle : the number of whom is as the sand of the sea .

  14. 笔者在试分析高中生网络道德现状的基础上,结合信息技术教学实践,针对高中生网络道德教育,提高信息素养方而作一定的探索研究。

    Based on the analysis the present situation of the senior high school students on the Internet , combined with the practice of information technology teaching , makes some research on aspects of strengthening the high school network moral education and improve the information literacy .

  15. 在公共非商业性使用的情况下,如政府或合同方未作专利检索即知道或有显而易见的理由知道一有效专利正在或将要被政府使用或为政府而使用,则应迅速告知权利持有人;

    In the case of public non-commercial use , where the government or contractor , without making a patent search , knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid patent is or will be used by or for the government , the right holder shall be informed promptly ;

  16. 他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。

    He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness .

  17. 要求方转传作送达之用的与刑事事宜有关的任何法律程序文件,被要求方须予以送达。

    The Requested Party shall serve any process relating to a criminal matter which has been transmitted to it for the purposes of service .

  18. 我方决定再作2%的让步,希望这将有助于你方推销我们的产品。

    We have decided to make a further concession of2 % in the hope that this will help you push the sale of our products .

  19. 本文介绍了用粘土砖、高铝砖、硅砖和方镁石砖作蓄热室上层格子体进行对比试验的情况。

    A comparative test of standard clay bricks , high alumina bricks , silica bricks and periclase bricks which were used as checkers in upper parts of regenerators has been conducted .

  20. 这一趋势还日渐倒退成耗费时间的采集行为模式,我们每个人都被迫为自己,从越来越多的选中,为生活的方方面面作筛选。

    Increasingly , the trend moves back toward time-consuming foraging behavior , as each of us is forced to sift for ourselves through more and more options in almost every aspect of life .

  21. 乔治·爱略特对维多利亚时代社会生活的方方面面作了大量的描绘和研究,有社会的,政治的,经济的变革,自然科学的进步及宗教信仰的危机。

    George Eliot researched and described the social life of the Victorian Age in diverse aspects . There were social , political and economic reform ; development of science ; crisis of religious belief .

  22. 他要差遣使者,用号筒的大声,将他的选民,从四方,从天这边到天那边,都招聚了来(“方”原文作“风”)。

    And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet , and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds , from one end of heaven to the other .

  23. 这山羊极其自高自大,正强盛的时候,那大角折断了,又在角根上向天的四方(“方”原文作“风”)长出四个非常的角来。

    Therefore the he goat waxed very great : and when he was strong , the great horn was broken ; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven .

  24. 承揽方对定作方提供的原材料,应及付检验,发现不符合合同规定时,应立即涵印定作方调换或者补齐。

    The Contractor shall promptly inspect the raw and processed materials supplied by the ordering party and , if it discovers that they do not conform to the stipulations of the contract , it shall immediately notify the ordering party to replace them or supply what is lacking .

  25. 从临床辨证施治的角度,结合中医古代文献,对阴躁这一病名的来源、概念、病机、证候表现、辨治方药等作了初步探讨。

    Based on the clinical practice and ancient Chinese medical literature , the author presents a discussion on the origin of the name of this syndrome , the concept of this syndrome , the etiology , symptoms and signs , and the prescriptions used in the treatment of this syndrome .

  26. 时变系统的参数可用平稳的AR(1)随机过程描述,时变系统的FIR模型传递函数估计的均方误差,记作MSE,它可以用一个较简单表达式来逼近它。

    The mean square error of transfer function estimations for time-varying FIR model is denoted as MSE .

  27. 协定原计划在会议召开后的几周内签署,但糟糕的是,那个月在乌克兰基辅发生了街头示威,俄罗斯的盟友、乌克兰总统维克托·F·亚努科维奇(ViktorF.Yanukovych)被推翻,结果东西方之间的合作大多数都中止了。

    It was expected to be signed within weeks of the meeting , but the timing turned out to be dismal when , that month , street protesters in Kiev , Ukraine , overthrew President Viktor F. Yanukovych , a Russian ally , and most East-West cooperation froze .

  28. 本文结合实例从正反两方面对这种趋向作了论述和评价。

    This paper discusses the trends from positive and negative sides .

  29. 那块方地又分作三四畦,主教在那地上所费的劳力和他在书本里所费的劳力是一样的。

    This plot , consisting of three or four beds , occupied the Bishop almost as much as did his books .

  30. 第2章对房产项目全程营销的理论基础进行了探讨。首先从房地产的基本概念与基本特性两方面对房地产作一概述;

    Chapter two has carried on the discussion to the theoretical foundation of the whole marketing of the house property project .