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  1. 投资方还包括康卡斯特风险投资(ComcastVentures),原有投资者基准资本(Benchmark)、格雷洛克合伙公司(GreylockPartners)、夏斯塔创投(ShastaVentures)继续跟投。

    Comcast ventures also participated , alongside existing shareholders benchmark , Greylock partners and Shasta ventures .

  2. 有关此问题的国际辩论驶向何方还未可知。

    It remains uncertain where international debates on this issue are heading .

  3. 三方还讨论了伊朗核问题、叙利亚和利比亚局势等问题。

    They also discussed the Iranian nuclear issue and the situations in Syria and Libya .

  4. 我们的新方还维持在50美元,我们的旧广场的正中心。

    Our new square also maintains the exact center of our old square at $ 50 .

  5. 目前我方还不准备讨论代理的问题。

    We are not ready yet to discuss the question of agency in the present moment .

  6. 检方还透露,布莱克爵士执意扼杀任何有关股东审查的提示。

    Prosecutors also revealed that Lord Black was obsessed with quashing any hint of shareholder scrutiny .

  7. 记者招待会上,组织方还介绍了旨在确保游客舒适度、满意度的工作计划。

    At the press conference , Expo organizers outlined steps they 're taking to ensure visitors'comfort .

  8. 提出受不可抗力影响的一方还应尽一切合理的努力排除不可抗力。

    The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable endeavours to terminate the Force Majeure .

  9. 进一步地,在某些特定的场景下,一个可信第三方还可以撤销可疑交易的匿名性以便追踪。

    Moreover , under certain circumstances , a trusted authority can revoke the anonymity of suspicious transactions .

  10. 若弗鲁伊表示,企业招聘方还学到了经验,明白自己需要提供有竞争力的工资。

    Corporate recruiters have also learnt that they have to pay competitive salaries , says Ms Joffrey .

  11. 治理委员会的各参与方还应该负责跨企业的流程标准化。

    The involved parties in the governance council should be also responsible for process standardization across the enterprise .

  12. 谢耳朵成为该剧塑造的最成功角色,为此剧方还拍摄了一部衍生剧《小谢尔顿》。

    Sheldon became the major success story of the show , earning a spinoff series , Young Sheldon .

  13. 包装时要倍加小心,因为货物在运输途中的任何损失都会给我方还来极大的损失。

    Greater care must be given to packing , as any damage in transit would cause us heavy losses .

  14. 根据这一协议,三方还将建立联合研究团队和教育互动平台。

    According to the agreement , the three parties will also establish a Joint Research Team and an Education Interactive Platform .

  15. 他表示,两家中国收购方还“致力于把他们的负责任矿山开发愿景带到厄瓜多尔”。

    The buyers were also " committed to bringing their vision of responsible mining development to Ecuador " , he said .

  16. 在一份长达154页的起诉书中,检方还指控吴淑珍收受了与一项建筑工程相关的270万美元的回扣。

    Prosecutors also allege that Wu took a kickback of2.7 million US dollars in connection with a construction project in a154-page indictment .

  17. 检方还指控监管者向银行家和前政府官员透露即将宣布的停业命令,让他们得以提前取出存款。

    Prosecutors also allege regulators tipped off bankers and former officials about the impending suspensions , allowing them to withdraw funds in advance .

  18. 上述三方还与印度展开了一次防务对话,澳大利亚去年与印度签署了一项安全合作协议。

    The three-way grouping has also opened a defence dialogue with India , with which Australia signed a security co-operation accord last year .

  19. 检方还表示,同期杨家诚和他父亲只申报了不到200万港元的应税收入。

    The prosecution added that Mr Yeung and his father had declared less than HK $ 2m in taxable income during the period .

  20. 潜在收购方还必须留意某些交易的政治环境,特别是在卖方是一家政府实体的情况下。

    Potential acquirers must also be wary about the political environment surrounding certain deals , especially if the seller is a government entity .

  21. 检方还指控该银行涉嫌财务欺诈、洗钱和有组织经营犯罪,这些指控可以追溯到多年前。

    The prosecution is accusing the bank of fiscal fraud , money laundering , and criminal organisation – allegations that date back several years .

  22. 局方还举办了学生中文故事创作比赛,以及文学工作坊,藉以向学生推广中文写作。

    A competition for students on story writing in Chinese was organised and literary workshops were arranged to promote Chinese creative writing among students .

  23. 就200打塑料窗帘以45美元。我方还为你方保留订单吗?

    148.Our price for 200 dozens pairs of plastic shower curtains with matching drapes would be 45 USD shall we hold them for your order ?

  24. 商标的有效期满后,如果你方还想使用原来的商标,则需要重新申请注册。

    If you would like to continue using the trade mark when the validity expires , you need to make a new application for registration .

  25. 现在公司已经准备签署协议,但是单凭一方还不行,所以谈判可能还要持续几天。

    The company is ready to sign the agreement now , but it takes two to tango and the negotiations may continue for several days yet .

  26. 此外,活动组织方还准备了一个大型垃圾箱和一把长柄锤,用来对付那些不能粉碎的物品,例如旧电脑和让人发胖的办公室盒装零食等。

    Dumpster and a sledgehammer were available for items that couldn 't be shredded , which included an old computer and a tin of fattening office snacks .

  27. 有可能你方面临我方还不知道的困难,如是这样,我方想知道是否能帮助什么。

    It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware . If so , we would like to know what we can do to help .

  28. 制片方还表示,预演和角色分配将在接下来的几个月公布,纽约的门票则将在秋季进行发售。

    Preview performances and casting will be announced in the coming months , and tickets for the New York production will go on sale in the fall , they added .

  29. 每个参与方还必须添加其他信息,比如批号、过期日期以及负责发货和收货的联系人。

    Each participant must also integrate other information , such as batch and lot numbers , expiration dates , and contact information of people responsible for shipping and receiving the product .

  30. 但片方还将精力集中于吸引此前没有挖掘的观众群体,其中包括9至12岁的儿童以及该系列首部影片上映时年龄太小未能跟这一系列影片共同成长的青少年。

    But the studio additionally focused on attracting previously untapped audience members , including preteens and teenagers who were too young to have grown up with the series during its start .