
  • 网络square shoulder;squre shoulder
  1. 他旁边坐着一个方肩阔背的太太,炫耀着无比的磊落大方;那一边是她的丈夫,红润的面颊。

    Seated next him was a lady with large healthy shoulders , displayed with splendid liberality ; beyond her a husband , red-cheeked .

  2. 虽然合身西服提供诸如垂肩或方肩、腹部收身或宽松等多种款式,它与其它任何网站一样,难免缺少裁缝在场的踏实感。

    And while a suit that fits offers variations such as sloping or square shoulders and a flat or generously cut stomach , like any website it inevitably lacks the reassuring human presence of the tailor .

  3. 本文以阿是穴、曲池外关、条口透承山、阳陵泉为基本方治疗肩凝症。

    Ashi Point , Quchi point , Waiguan point , Tiaokou point through Chengshan point and Yanglingquan point are basic for frozen shoulder treatment .

  4. 种植体-基台连接设计不同对生物学宽度影响不大,但对结合上皮的附着位置有影响。平台转移设计的种植体,结合上皮的根方位于种植体肩台之上。

    Implants with different implant-abutment junction have little effect with biologic width , but it has effect with the attached location of junctional epithelium .

  5. 通过第三方瞄准实现越肩发射是近几年来越肩发射研究领域的一个新方向。

    In recent years , engaging a rear target with missile through the3rd party targeting becomes a new research field of Over-The-Shoulder ( OTS ) .