
  1. 方鸿渐要博鲍小姐欢心,便把“黑甜”、“朱古力小姐”那些亲昵的称呼告诉她

    He tried to amuse her by calling her the affectionate nicknames " Dark Sweetie " and " Miss Chocolate . "

  2. 方鸿渐吃韩家的晚饭,甚为满意。

    Fang Hung-chien found the dinner at the Hans quite satisfactory .

  3. 方鸿渐想这事严重了。

    The matter is taking a serious turn , thought hung-chien .

  4. 苏小姐临别时的态度,冷缩了方鸿渐的高兴。

    Miss su 's parting manner dampened Fang hung-chien 's high spirits .

  5. 方鸿渐住在家里,无聊得很。

    Fang hung-chien 's life at home was quite boring .

  6. 方鸿渐点了五六个人吃的菜。

    Hung-chien ordered food enough for five or six people .

  7. 方鸿渐和鲍小姐不说话,并肩踱着。

    Fang and Miss Pao strolled along side by side in silence .

  8. 北半球北部地区生长的一个矮生灌木属。方鸿渐吓矮了半截,想不到老头子这样精明。

    Low-growing shrubs of northern regions of northern hemisphere .

  9. 她更担心败走的偏是方鸿渐;

    She was even more worried that the vanquished might be Fang hung-chien .

  10. 你是不是苏小姐,要找方鸿渐?

    Are you miss su ? You want to speak to Fang hung-chien .

  11. 苏小姐骂方鸿渐无耻,实在是冤枉。

    Miss su 's condemnation of Fang Hung-chien for being shameless was actually unjust .

  12. 方鸿渐慌得连说:“没有这个道理!”

    Alarmed , he said again and again ," you can 't do that !"

  13. 方鸿渐说,也许他们俩又可以同路。

    Fang Hung-chien said perhaps they could again be travel companions going to the interior .

  14. 方鸿渐忍不住道:“别胡说!”

    Fang could n 't help from blurting out ," do n 't talk nonsense !"

  15. 第二部分着重分析了赫索格与方鸿渐形象的相异性。

    The second part analyzes the image of Herzog and Fang with the opposite sex .

  16. 从那天起,方鸿渐饭也常在二等吃。

    From that day on , Fang often ate his meals in the third class .

  17. 苏小姐把地址给方鸿渐,要他去玩。

    Miss Su gave Fang Hung-chien her address and asked him to come see her .

  18. 方鸿渐红了脸傻傻一笑便撇了苏小姐走去。

    Fang Hung-chien blushed and gave a silly smile , then walked away from Miss su .

  19. 赵辛楣看苏小姐留住方鸿渐,奋然而出。

    When Chao Hsin-mei saw Miss Su detain Fang hung-chien , he left in a huff .

  20. 明天方鸿渐才起床,那两位记者早上门了。

    When Fang Hung-chien rose from bed the next day , the two reporters had already arrived .

  21. 八圈打毕,方鸿渐赢了近三百块钱。

    At the end of the eighth round , Fang Hung-chien had won nearly three hundred dollars .

  22. 方鸿渐站起来,原想跟他拉手,只好又坐下去。

    Fang Hung-chien rose and intended to shake hands with him but had to sit down again .

  23. 苏文纨与方鸿渐曾有的关系对方鸿渐的人生产生了深远影响。

    The relationship Miss Su had with Mr. Fang has produced a profound influence on his life .

  24. 方鸿渐恨不得把苏小姐瘦身体里每根骨头都捏为石灰粉。

    Fang wished he could have crushed every bone in Miss Su 's thin body to lime powder .

  25. 晚饭时,大家桌上没鲍小姐,向方鸿渐打趣要人。

    During dinner everyone noticed miss pao 's absence and teased fang , asking him where she was .

  26. 到码头下车,方鸿渐和鲍小姐落在后面。

    When they got out of the rickshaws at the wharf , Fang and Miss Pao lingered behind .

  27. 方鸿渐受到两面夹攻,才知道留学文凭的重要。

    Finding himself pressured on both sides , Fang Hung-chien finally realized the importance of a foreign diploma .

  28. 《围城》中的方鸿渐是贯穿小说情节始终的人物,是作品的男一号。

    The fortress is throughout the square hong gradually fiction always characters , is the hero of the works .

  29. 方鸿渐忙说,菜太好了,吃菜连舌头都吃下去了。

    Fang Hung-chien replied hastily that the food was so good he 'd even swallowed his tongue along with it .

  30. 这几天来,方鸿渐白天昏昏想睡,晚上倒又清醒。

    For the last few days , Fang Hung-chien had been drowsy during the day but wide awake at night .