
  1. 李梅亭大声叫,陆子潇尖声叫:“告诉什么

    Li Mei-t'ing gave a shout , and Lu Tzu-hsiao shrieked , " Tell what ?

  2. 李梅亭关于结婚的预言也没有证实。

    Li Mei-t'ing 's prediction about the marriage was not confirmed either .

  3. 李梅亭摇头道:哼,你这人笨死了!

    " Humph , stupid fool !" said Li , shaking his head .

  4. 也许李梅亭压根儿在单相思,否则太不像话了!

    Maybe li 's love is all one-sided . otherwise , it 's ridiculous !

  5. 看门人帮我提行李。李梅亭,他看错了人。

    The doorman relieved me of my package . Li Mei-t'ing 's got me wrong .

  6. 与李梅亭顾尔谦等为伍,就是可耻的堕落。

    Associating with people like Li Mei-t'ing and Ku Er-chien was such a shameful debasement .

  7. 你看李梅亭的铁箱不是有一个人那么高么?

    Did you notice ? Li Mei-t'ing 's metal trunk is as tall as a person .

  8. 李梅亭叹了半夜的气。

    Li sighed half the night .

  9. 李梅亭不等他说完,就敬孙小姐酒。

    Without waiting for him to finish , Li immediately drank a toast to Miss Sun .

  10. 忽然注意有人正作成这个摊子的生意,衣服体态活像李梅亭;

    He suddenly noticed someone near the stand who closely resembled Li Mei-t'ing in dress and build .

  11. 不过李梅亭这些人都是教授有年,有现成讲义的。

    People like Li Mei-t'ing , who had been teaching for years , had ready-made lecture notes .

  12. 不过李梅亭最贪小利,只能让他赢;

    But Li Mei-t'ing is always out for petty gains . You 'll have to let him win .

  13. 李梅亭回房取一粒丸药,讨杯开水;

    Li went back to his room to get a capsule and asked for a glass of drinking water .

  14. 寡妇也没请李梅亭批准,就主仆俩开了一个房间。

    Without even asking li 's permission , the widow went ahead and took one room for herself and her servant .

  15. 他们对李梅亭的厌恶不用说,甚至韩学愈也并非真正得到他们的爱戴。

    Their loathing for Li Mei-t'ing went without saying , and they never really , gave Han Hseh-y their love and respect .

  16. 鸿渐说,想来李梅亭赢了钱,不再闹了。

    Hung-chien remarked that Li Mei-t'ing must have won some money , since he 'd stopped raising a fuss about mahjong games .

  17. 依李梅亭的意思,孙小姐与寡妇同室,阿福独睡一间。

    According to li , miss sun should share a room with the widow while Ah Fu slept in a room by himself .

  18. 辛楣鸿渐都避嫌疑,不愿意李梅亭说他们冒他的功,真吃早点去了。

    Not wishing Li Mei-t'ing to accuse them of trying to steal his glory , Hung-chien and Hsin-mei did go eat breakfast to avoid suspicion .

  19. 那寡妇向李梅亭眼珠一溜,嘴一扯道:“先生真是好人!”

    The widow threw him a glance and , giving her mouth a tug at the corners , said ," you are such a good man . "

  20. 顾尔谦向李梅亭抱歉地笑道:“我行李全到了,我想跟他们去,在这儿住下去没有意义。”

    Ku smiled apologetically at Li and said ," my luggage is all here . I think I 'll go with them . there 's no point staving here any longer . "

  21. 李梅亭一口咬定这是部颁的规矩,至多星期六晚饭和星期日三餐可以除外。

    Li Mei-t'ing insisted that this was the regulation as promulgated by the ministry and that , at the most , Saturday dinner and all three meals on Sunday could be exempted .

  22. 明天早上,辛楣和李梅亭吃几颗疲乏的花生米,灌半壶冷淡的茶,同出门找本地教育机关去了。

    The next morning Hsin-mei and Li Mei-t'ing ate some stale peanuts , drank half a pot of tea from the night before , and set out together to look for local educational institutions .

  23. 说老实话,你们到吉安领了钱,干脆一个子儿不给我得了,难不倒我李梅亭。

    To tell you the truth , once you get to Chian and pick up the money , if you don 't give me a cent , it won 't bother Li Mei-t'ing at all !

  24. 鸿渐道:李梅亭没有肉呀,我看你又白又胖,烤得火工到了,蘸甜面酱、椒盐

    Hung-chien said , " Li Mei-t'ing has no meat on him , but you look fair and plump . I 'll roast you to a turn , dip you in sweet sauce , sprinkle on some salt - "

  25. 也许李梅亭压根儿在单相思,否则太不像话了!日本人烧了许多空中楼阁的房子,占领了许多乌托邦的产业,破坏了许多单相思的姻缘。

    Maybe Li 's love is all one-sided . Otherwise , it 's ridiculous ! The Japanese had burned so many nonexistent houses with towers in the sky , taken possession of so many nonexistent properties , and destroyed so many one-sided romances made in heaven !