
  1. 韩学愈虽非哑巴,天生有点口吃。

    Though Han hseh-ywas not a deaf-mute , he did have a slight stutter .

  2. 韩学愈似乎脸色微红,像阴天忽透太阳。

    Han seemed to redden slightly , like the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day .

  3. 他们对李梅亭的厌恶不用说,甚至韩学愈也并非真正得到他们的爱戴。

    Their loathing for Li Mei-t'ing went without saying , and they never really , gave Han Hseh-y their love and respect .

  4. 韩学愈容颜灰暗,在阴天可以与周围的天色和融无间,隐身不见,是头等保护色。

    Han had an ashy complexion , which on a cloudy day could blend in perfectly with the color of the surrounding sky and make him invisible-a first-rate camouflage .

  5. 这条船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,然而他的意图总是绝对清楚的。理想中的韩学愈不知怎样的嚣张浮滑,不料是个沉默寡言的人。

    The ship 's captain was a man of few words , yet his intentions were always perfectly clear . He had pictured Han Hs ǚ eh-y ǚ as arrogant and sly , but to his surprise Hall was quiet and reticent .