
  1. 我们也是集弹簧设计,生产,销售和出口的多元化的外向型企业。

    We are also a diversified , export-oriented enterprise integrated with professional spring design , production , sale , export , etc.

  2. 武术也是集健身、强身、防身等功能于一身的相对较特殊的传统体育项目。它尤其对运动系统及神经系统等具有其它项目所不具备的锻炼价值。

    Wushu is also a kind of relatively special traditional sport item that gathers the function of body-building 、 body-strengthening and body-defending .

  3. 事实上,跟圣诞节本身的故事一样,圣人尼古拉的故事,也是集历史、神话和传说于一身。

    The truth is that like the Christmas story itself , the story of Saint Nicholas is a composite of history , myth , and legend .

  4. 区域物流是一种比较特殊的物流体系,它既是一个开放的复杂系统,也是集多种功能为一体的综合性系统。

    Regional logistics is a special logistics system , it is an open complicated system , and is also a comprehensive system incorporating many kinds of functions .

  5. 也是集可靠性、安全性、经济性于一身的新型绿色环保建材。

    It is not only the best choice for the building industry at the moment , but also a reliable , safe , economical and new green tech-building materials .

  6. 钴结壳破碎块度是衡量螺旋滚筒式采矿头破碎效果的重要指标,也是集矿和扬矿系统的设计依据。

    The granularity of cobalt-rich crusts is an important index to evaluate the crushing effect broken by spiral-cutting head , it is also the design gist of collecting and lifting system .

  7. 刻画极值点特征的最优性条件是该领域的核心内容,是建立集值优化方法必不可少的理论基础,也是集值优化理论的难点问题之一。

    The optimality condition of set-valued optimization is the central content , the absolutely necessary theory foundation of modern optimization method , and , moreover , one of the most difficult problems of set-valued optimization .

  8. 很显然在模糊形态学概念中,原图像A即是一个模糊集,新图像P(A,B)也是模糊集。

    Morphological operating P truly means transforming an image A into a new image P ( A , B ) via a little one B. Let A and B are both fuzzy sets , P ( A , B ) is also a fuzzy set .

  9. 他抓着Meredith的手的那一刻也是本集最令人动容的情节之一,而且是没有言语来表现的。

    That moment where he grabs Meredith 's hand is one of the most affecting moments of the episode , and it was without words .

  10. 如果指定的集合也是Enum集,则甚至批量操作(如containsAll和retainAll)也应非常快地运行。

    Even bulk operations ( such as containsAll and retainAll ) should run very quickly if the specified collection is also an enum set .

  11. DateSet支持断开式数据库连接,这也是数据集最主要的特性。

    DataSet supports Offline Database Connection which is the most important character of datasets .

  12. 属性约简算法是基于粗糙集理论的数据挖掘模型中的关键步骤,同时也是粗糙集理论研究中的一个研究重点。

    Attribute reduction algorithm is the key for the model and the focus of the Rough Sets .

  13. 知识约简是知识发现的一个重要方面,因此也是粗糙集与概念格理论研究的重要内容。

    It is therefore an important part in the study of rough set theory and formal concept analysis .

  14. 有效、快速的属性约简算法是粗糙集理论应用的基础,也是粗糙集理论规模应用的保障。

    Efficient and effective algorithms for attribution reduction are the foundation of rough set theory applied , also the guarantee of rough set theory applied on a large scale .

  15. 模糊决策是近年来国际运筹学界极其活跃的研究领域之一,也是模糊集理论诞生以来应用最为成功的领域之一。

    The Fuzzy Decision-making is one of the active analyzing fields of the international Operational Research Academia recently , and it is one field that is applied most successfully since the outcome of Fuzzy Set .

  16. 引进了自相似集的边集以及边集的阶的概念,指明了边集也是自相似集并在此基础上讨论了边集的Hausdorff维数问题。

    In this paper , we introduce first the concept of side-sets of self-similar set and the concept of order of side-sets of self-similar set , and we show a side-set is a self-similar set too . Finally , we discuss the problem of Hausdorff dimensions of side-sets .

  17. 它们不但是时序信号分析的前提,而且也是应用粗糙集理论的基础。

    They are not only the premise of the time-series analysis , but also the basic of using rough set theory .

  18. 《黑镜》里的点子通常会让我大笑,布鲁克说,他也是这一集的编剧。

    Often with ' Black Mirror ,' the ideas really make me laugh , said Mr. Brooker , who wrote that episode .

  19. 这种形式化的测试执行方法非常适合于构造通用的协议测试系统,同时也是进行测试集自动执行的有效手段;

    This formal approach is very suitable for the construction of general protocol testing system , and can be an effective way for automatic test suit verification .

  20. 教务管理是高校管理的核心,也是一项集计划性和经常性管理为一体的基础性工作。

    Academic Administration is the core of the management in a higher institution . Also , it is a fundamental management work featured as planning and constancy .

  21. 医院同时也是一种集专业技术、复杂功能与一体的特殊建筑类型,它与社会经济发展、科学技术水平及医学知识的进步息息相关。

    Hospital is also a set of technical , complex function and particular building type , with socio-economic development , scientific and technological level and by advances in medical knowledge .

  22. 方解石、绿泥石、浊沸石的胶结作用、压实压溶作用和浊沸石、长石的溶解作用也是影响储集性能的主要因素。

    The cementation of laumonite , calcite and chlorite , compact and pressure solution , as well as the dissolution of laumontite , feldspar are also of main factors which affect reservoir properties .

  23. 杭州西溪湿地地处杭州西郊,是目前国内第一个也是唯一的集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园。

    Xixi National Wetland Park located in the west outskirts of Hangzhou is the first and the only national wetland park of China , which represents urban wetland , farming wetland and cultural wetland .

  24. 证明了1维和n维欧氏空间中均匀分布的点集的均匀度定理,这是随机性点集空间性质研究的基础,也是混沌点集空间性质研究的基础;

    The uniform index theorems in R1 and Rn were proved , which is the base of spatial property studies on random point set , also that of the spatial property studies on chaos .

  25. 其中,销售板块作为中国石油四大板块之一,是集团公司收入和利润实现的关键来源,同时由于处在市场最前端也是风险的集聚点。

    The sale of plate is one of four blocks in China Petroleum , which is the key sources of the Group revenue and profit . and because of the front of the market , it is also the gathering point of the risk .

  26. 毫无疑问,将多维数据集降维呈现在二维数据空间,不仅是检测自然聚类也是提取所有数据集内含信息的一个强大的工具。

    Undoubtedly , visualization of the multivariate data set into two-dimensional space is a powerful tool not only to detect the nature clusters but also to extract all the information embedded in this data set .