
yě ké yǐ
  • may also;It makes no difference.
  1. 大学城的学生也可以进入数学圈促进高数学习。

    Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math : math circles .

  2. 你也可以给出结束谈话的理由。

    You may also give a reason for ending the conversation .

  3. 你可以乘船从开罗游览到阿斯旺,也可以从阿斯旺游览到开罗。

    You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa .

  4. 可以付你英镑,也可以付你美元。

    You can be paid in pounds sterling or American dollars .

  5. 你减肥也可以吃早饭嘛!

    You can still eat breakfast when you are slimming .

  6. 必要的话,我在家时你也可以和我联系。

    If necessary , you can contact me at home .

  7. 如果你想来也可以来。

    You can come too , if you want .

  8. 我不能接受那种认为贪欲也可以是件好事的想法。

    I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing .

  9. 单词you可以是单数也可以是复数。

    The word ' you ' can be singular or plural .

  10. 她那广受欢迎的防烫布垫也可以自己购买原料套装自己制作。

    Her popular pot holder is also available in do-it-yourself kits .

  11. 我希望他的才华也可以影响他人。

    I was hoping some of his genius might rub off .

  12. 律师也可以说是你的雇员。

    An attorney is your employee , in a manner of speaking

  13. 某些种类的食物也可以装入密封的金属罐里。

    Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters .

  14. 三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。

    A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night .

  15. 吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

    Going veggie can be tasty , easy and healthy too .

  16. 你也可以按照自己的要求定制家具。

    Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements .

  17. 您也可以乘坐配有视频设备的现代化长途汽车游览那处遗址。

    You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos

  18. 我们的学生也可以选择住校。

    Our students can also opt to stay in residence .

  19. 孢子也可以通过未包扎的伤口吸收。

    The spores can also be ingested through open wounds .

  20. 有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。

    There 's something you could study without stirring from this room .

  21. 你也可以选择便于服用的红参片或红参胶囊。

    You can also take red ginseng in convenient tablet or capsule form .

  22. 投资组合里也可以包括短期有价证券。

    Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio .

  23. 不用遵照那套荒唐愚蠢的投资策略也可以做到。

    It can be done without following some absurd , off-the-wall investment strategy .

  24. 设计图也可以从纸上扫描进电脑。

    Designs can also be scanned in from paper .

  25. 我们也可以通过将一些想法、感情与记忆分开考虑以控制焦虑情绪。

    Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts , feelings and memories

  26. 流行音乐不必非得是垃圾,也可以是艺术。

    Pop music doesn 't have to be trash , it can be art

  27. 一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望。

    A really good catalogue can also whet customers ' appetites for merchandise .

  28. 肢体语言也可以用来吸引异性的注意。

    Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex .

  29. 最不济她也可以去过一个愉快的假期。

    She could take a nice holiday at least

  30. 午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐。

    At lunchtime , there 's a choice between the buffet or the set menu