
  1. 这个户外空间也是植物园的一部分。

    This open-air space is also part of the Botanic Garden .

  2. 在我国,高科技园成为政府带头投资建设的一个方向,这也是高科技园迅速发展的经济背景因素。

    It is also the economy background factor about the rapid development of High-tech park .

  3. “这也是植物园里的,”他说,“我是从猴子那里取来的。”

    " That 's from the Jardin des Plantes , too ," said he . " I took that from the monkeys . "

  4. 这些规划控制条件不仅是商务园规划设计的基础,也是商务园规划建设所必须考虑的基本要素。

    These plans control on Business Park is not only basis for the planning , but also the basic elements that must be considered . 4 .

  5. 作为可持续发展的表征,提高生态效率既是一种实施工业园生态转型的战略,又是一种测量这种战略进展的方法体系,也是工业园生态化建设的目标。

    As the token of continual development , improving Eco-efficiency is a strategy to transform industrial parks , further more , a method to scale the process of the strategy , and also a goal of ecological construction of industrial parks .

  6. 社会服务功能是大学、也是大学科技园核心竞争力的重要组成部分。

    The function of social service is an important part for universities and its kernel computation .

  7. 另外,园区与政府、园区与社区的融洽关系也是生态工业园稳定运行的重要保证。

    In addition , the good relations between park and the government , the park and community are also important to ensure stable operation of Eco-industrial Park .

  8. 从工业园到田园城市、花园郊区以及从边缘城市到高科技园的景观演绎过程,认识一下“园”的深层含意,从而也是以“园”为重要对象的园林学科的广泛含意。

    This discussion may reveal the meanings of parks and therefore the implications of the profession of landscape architecture that considers park design and management as one of the major fields .

  9. 我也是一座葡萄园,我的果实也将被采摘酿制

    I to am a vinyard , and my fruit shall be gathered for the winepress

  10. 荒野不仅是罪恶与危险的渊薮,也是爱欲的伊甸园,那里绽开着文明之花。

    Wildness is not only the source of evils and dangers , but also the Eden of sexual desire where the flowers of civilization bloom .