
  • 网络Tomorrow;Maybe tomorrow
  1. “也许明天会更好,”我说着挂断了电话。“我在骗谁啊?”我对沃尔夫说。“明天还是一个样。”

    ' Maybe tomorrow will be better , ' I said , hanging up . ' Who am I kidding ? ' I told Wolfe . ' Tomorrow will be more of the same . '

  2. 也许明天我们将生活在世界的不同角落。

    Maybe tomorrow we will be living far apart in the world .

  3. 因为我们总觉得可以找到更好的。也许明天收到的OkCupid配对邮件中,就会有更性感、更聪明、更有趣的人等着我们,或者就在下一个拐角——这还多亏了Tinder这样能够搜索附近用户的应用。

    Because we think we can do better , that someone hotter , smarter , and funnier awaits us in tomorrow 's OkCupid email filled with matches , or literally around the corner thanks to apps like Tinder that surface nearby prospects .

  4. 也许明天你爸也会这样跟我道歉

    Maybe I 'll hear that from your father tomorrow too .

  5. 73今天跌倒的人,也许明天就会站起来。

    73 He that falls today may be up again tomorrow .

  6. 也许明天我能帮你找到..

    I might be able to help you find it tomorrow ...

  7. 也许明天会有考试,也许不会。

    Might be a pop quiz tomorrow , might not .

  8. 今天我们有的也许明天就没有了。

    What we have today might not be mine antmoretomorrow .

  9. 我们也许明天就可以公布获胜者。

    We may announce the winners as early as tomorrow .

  10. 也许明天上帝就会把你带走。

    Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away .

  11. 今天流行的也许明天就不合潮流了。

    what is in style today may be out of vogue tomorrow .

  12. 也许明天您的医生会给指示换一次药。

    Maybe sometime tomorrow when your doctor gives orders .

  13. 也许明天的风险,请注意。

    Maybe risk for tomorrow , please be noted .

  14. 今日为你的小圆尽忠,因为也许明天你将死去。

    Serve the kaname madoka 's today , tomorrow you may be dead .

  15. 也许明天他们回来的时候,你是另一种感受。

    Maybe tomorrow when they come back , you will feel in different way .

  16. 如果你现在就戒,也许明天吧。

    Maybe tomorrow if you quit right now .

  17. 也许明天我会终于鼓起勇气跟他打招呼。

    Maybe tomorrow I 'll finally say hello .

  18. 也许明天我们可以再谈。

    Perhaps we can have another talk tomorrow .

  19. 也许明天我们会有更美好的畅想。

    Tomorrow we will have a better imagination .

  20. 成就不凡,从此刻起,也许明天生活的主导就是您。

    Achievement uncommon , from this moment , perhaps tomorrow is your leading life .

  21. 不知道,也许明天吧。

    I dont know . Maybe tomorrow .

  22. 我也许明天要出门去。

    I shall likely leave home tomorrow .

  23. 某天,某夜,某个时刻,我的梦想也许明天实现。

    One day , one night , one moment , My dreams could be , tomorrow .

  24. 今天我借给他们蜡烛也许明天就会来借洋葱和大蒜。

    Today I lend them a candle and maybe they would come to borrow onion or garlic .

  25. 也许明天你应该休息一天&观光,好好休息。

    Maybe you should have a day off tomorrow – no sightseeing , just a good rest .

  26. 也许明天我们一起吃饭的时候我会告诉你一些消息

    But maybe I 'll have some news for you by the time we have our lunch tomorrow .

  27. 并不是说,哦,今天它是奇数,也许明天就是偶数了。

    It 's not as though , oh , today is odd but maybe tomorrow it will be even .

  28. 今天的好运也许明天就会消失,而今天的危机可能会转化成明天的好运。

    Today 's good fortune may vanish tomorrow-today 's crises may turn out to be tomorrow 's good fortune .

  29. 迈克:也许明天我能帮你找到⋯⋯看,杰克,你太累了。

    Mike : I might be able to help you find it tomorrow * Look , Jake , you 're tired .

  30. 也许明天你就会忘掉今天对别人说过的好话,但是听者却会对这些话铭记一生。

    Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today , but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime .