
liè hén
  • crack;rift;fissure;flaw
裂痕 [liè hén]
  • [rift;crack;fissure] 小裂缝。比喻感情破裂

裂痕[liè hén]
  1. 上周还没有这条裂痕。

    This fissure wasn 't here last week .

  2. 在蹉跎的岁月里,总有一种红色的印象在心中浮现,条条裂痕在上面若有若无

    In wastes time in the years , always one red impression reappears in the heart , fissure in above vague

  3. 没有什么可以弥合他和父亲之间的裂痕。

    Nothing could heal the rupture with his father .

  4. 他们之间的裂痕从来没有真正弥合。

    The breach between them never really healed .

  5. 这杯子有一道裂痕。

    This cup has a crack in it .

  6. 一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。

    One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places

  7. 这段采访反映了总统和政府之间的裂痕越来越大。

    The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government

  8. 他们希望能够弥合和父亲之间的裂痕。

    They hope to heal the rift with their father .

  9. 他们的婚姻开始出现裂痕。

    Their marriage is getting a little frayed around the edges

  10. 地震会在地壳上留下裂痕。

    Earthquakes leave scars in the earth 's crust .

  11. 可生产厚层压板而不会产生裂痕。

    Thick sections of the laminate can be produced without the risk of cracking .

  12. 如果你们的婚姻或关系出现裂痕,就向婚姻指导顾问求助。

    If your marriage or relationship is in disrepair , enlist the help of a marriage guidance counsellor .

  13. 他们之间的裂痕还没有完全消除。

    The rift between them has not yet been completely healed .

  14. 夏天地上都是裂痕。

    The ground was full of cracks in the summer .

  15. 这块玻璃有一道裂痕。

    There is a crack in the glass .

  16. 这事件在两国之间造成了不可弥补的裂痕。

    The incident caused an irreparable breach between the two countries .

  17. 碗底下有一条裂痕。

    There 's a crack on the underneath of the bowl .

  18. 他们之间一度有过裂痕。

    There was once a rift ( or breach ) between them .

  19. 夫妻关系出现了裂痕。

    A note of discord crept between wife and husband .

  20. 这块镶板有裂痕了。

    This panel has a crack on it .

  21. 当人类想要再次亵渎命运的时候,命运及时修正了这些裂痕

    The Destinies mend rifts in time as man etches fate .

  22. 一个亲吻一段裂痕爱无所不能

    Kisses section of fissures to love omnipotently .

  23. 随温度、时间、pH值的上升,裂痕呈增大的趋势。

    With increasing of temperature 、 time and pH value , the cracks increases in size .

  24. 6.riftn.裂口,空隙他们之间一度有过裂痕。

    There was once a rift between them .

  25. SEM表明改性处理后合金的表面存在很多的裂痕,形状很不规则。

    SEM shows that the surface of the treated alloy is full of crack , and the figure of the particles are very irregular .

  26. 然而,甚至在Buzz事件引发众怒之前,谷歌大厦便已出现了裂痕。

    But , even before the furore over Buzz , there were signs of cracks in the edifice .

  27. 布什(Bush)政府将此项立法视为让美国国会发泄不满、同时又不会令美中双边关系出现裂痕的最好机会。

    The legislation is viewed by the Bush administration as the best chance for Congress to let off some steam without blowing a hole in bilateral relations with Beijing .

  28. 检查两个管的末端,排气歧管和EGR阀是否有泄露或表面有裂痕。

    Check for signs of leakage or cracked surfaces at both ends of tube , exhaust manifold and EGR valve .

  29. 托马斯告诉《每日邮报》,本来他打算“尊重梅根,保护信件隐私”,直到她的朋友们开始对他“发起攻击”。当时,在杂志《People》的采访中,梅根的朋友们坦诚了两人之间出现裂痕。

    Thomas told The Daily Mail he originally planned to keep the letter " totally private out of respect for her " until her friends " launched their attack " on him in a shocking People magazine interview where they spoke candidly about the family rift .

  30. ITIL和SOA尽管有共同的目标和指导原则,但是在很多组织内部两者之间仍有裂痕。

    Despite the common goals and guiding principles of ITIL and SOA , there is a chasm in many organizations between these two efforts .