
  • 网络fission yield
  1. 并给出SF产额与总裂变产额的比值。

    As a result , the ratio of SF yield over total fission yield is obtained .

  2. 以137Cs的裂变产额为标准得到135Cs的裂变产额值为(6.34±0.46)%。

    The fission yield of 135 Cs is obtained to be ( 6.34 ± 0.46 ) % with the fission yield of 137 Cs as standard .

  3. 裂变产额法刻度浸于铀溶液中SSTD的效率因子

    Calibration of the efficiency factor for SSTD immersed in uranium solution using fission yield method

  4. 裂变产额测量的前期工作&小型裂变室的研制

    The Pre-work of Measurement Fission Yields-the Manufacture Minitype Fission Ionizing Chamber

  5. 建立了评价标准裂变产额数据文档。

    The reference fission yield file was established .

  6. 评价标准裂变产额数据文档

    The Evaluated Reference Fission Yield Data File

  7. 其中衰变数据单独存放在一个文件中,截面数据和裂变产额数据存放在另一个文件中。

    Decay data was stored in a single file while fission-product yields data and cross-section data were stored in another file .

  8. 本文建立了裂变产额法用以刻度浸于铀溶液中的固体径迹探测器记录裂变碎片的效率因子。

    In the present work fission yield method is developed to calibrate the fission fragment registration efficiency factor of solid state track detector immersed in uranium solution .

  9. 数据库格式和ORIGEN-S中原有压水堆数据库的格式一致,包含三个部分的数据:衰变数据、裂变产额数据和截面数据。

    The format of the new library conforms to the light water reactor data library format included in ORIGEN-S. which consists of three parts of data , decay data , fission-product yields and cross-section data .

  10. 24.4keV中子诱发~(235)U裂变的产额测量

    Measurement of fission yields from ~ ( 235 ) u fission induced by 24.4 keV neutrons

  11. 每次裂变后的中子产额

    Neutrons yield per fission

  12. 在计算中需要裂变产物的平均裂变产额、(n,γ)反应的修正量、放射性裂变产物堆内衰变修正量和可裂变核素的平均裂变能量等。

    During calculation , average fission yields of fission products , corrections for reaction ( n ,γ), decay of radioactive fission products in reactor , average fission energies of fissionable nuclides and so on are required .

  13. Ge(Li)探测器测定14MeV中子引起~(238)U裂变中稀土核素的裂变产额

    Determination of the yields for the rare-earth nuclides from 14 MeV neutron fission of 238U using GE ( li ) detector

  14. 我们研制的小型双裂变室是用来进行裂变产额测量研究前做的重要工作。

    It is more comfortable to take out the target in fission chamber by reason of using a cover lid structure in designing double fission foil ionizing chamber .

  15. ~(252)Cf自发裂变中子诱发~(235)U裂变时几个核素裂变产额的绝对测定

    The absolute determination of cumulative yield of several nuclides from induced fission of ~ ( 235 ) u by neutrons of spontaneous fission of ~ ( 252 ) cf

  16. Ge(Li)直接γ能谱法测定裂变谱中子及热中子诱发~(235)U裂变的裂变累计产额

    The measurement of cumulative fission yields of ~ ( 235 ) u induced by thermo-and fission spectrum neutrons by using GE ( li ) detector

  17. 在~(12)C离子引起的~(209)Bi和~(238)U的裂变中,用放射化学方法分别测量了15个和17个裂变产物的产额。

    The yields of 15 and 17 fission , products have been obtained by radiochemical determinations in ~ ( 12 ) C-induced fission of ~ ( 209 ) Bi and ~ ( 238 ) U respectively .