
  • 网络cracking tube
  1. 催化裂化提升管反应器的稳态数学模型

    A Steady State Mathematical Model For a Catalytic Cracking Riser

  2. 催化裂化提升管内气固多相流的数值计算

    Numerical Simulation of Gas-solids Multiphase Flow in FCC Riser Reactor

  3. 影响催化裂化提升管再生烧焦过程的主要因素及其分析

    Main factors affecting FCC catalyst regeneration in riser regenerator

  4. 催化裂化提升管反应器终止剂注入位置的确定

    Determination of location of termina-tor in FCC riser reactor

  5. 催化裂化提升管原料油进料喷嘴位置的确定

    The installation position of feedstock nozzle in FCC riser

  6. 催化裂化提升管反应器预提升段流动特征

    Hydrodynamics of Pre-lift Sect in FCC Riser Reactor

  7. 催化裂化提升管三叶型气固快速分离装置的模型和工业试验

    Performance of trilocular-type catalytic-cracking gas-solid fast separator in laboratory model and commercial FCC unit

  8. 催化裂化提升管反应器不可测输入的在线观测

    Online observation for unmeasurable inputs in FCCU riser

  9. 催化裂化提升管反应器流动反应模型的建立

    Applicationof kinetic theory for granular flow to development of flow reaction model in riser reactor

  10. 稠密气体理论在催化裂化提升管中的应用

    The application of the dense gas theory for the numerical simulation of FCC riser reactor

  11. 催化裂化提升管预提升段气固两相流动特性的研究

    Study on the gas solid flow characteristics in the pre lift zone of FCC riser

  12. 催化裂化提升管再生器两级串联烧焦的计算机模拟

    The simulation of two-stage riser FCC regenerator

  13. 我国催化裂化提升管反应系统设备技术的进展

    Progress of Domestic FCC Riser Reactor Technology

  14. 催化裂化提升管出口汽提式粗旋风分离器的气体流场分析和计算

    Analysis and calculation of the gas flow field of the modified rough cyclone with a prestripper

  15. 催化裂化提升管内油剂两相流动特征的研究

    Study on the two phase flow characteristics of feedstock and catalyst in riser of FCC unit

  16. 催化裂化提升管反应器喷嘴进料混合段新结构及其流场研究

    Structure and flow field of a novel feedstock mixing zone in the nozzle of FCC riser

  17. 催化裂化提升管进料段内油剂两相流动混合的优化及工业应用

    Optimization on the Gas-Solid Two-phase Flow in the Feedstock Injection-mixing Zone of FCC Riser and Industrial Application

  18. 催化裂化提升管反应器中催化剂运动和反应数学模型的研究丙烷脱氢制丙烯催化剂烧焦过程的模型化

    MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF CATALYSTS BEHAVIOR AND REACTION IN FCC RISER Modeling of coke burning-off regeneration for coked propane dehydrogenation catalyst

  19. 催化裂化提升管反应器数学模型基本上都是基于平推流反应器的假设建立起来的。

    Mathematical models for Fluid Catalytic Cracking ( FCC ) riser reactors were built generally on the basis of assumption of plug flow pattern within risers .

  20. 催化裂化提升管反应器气液固3相流动反应的数值模拟Ⅰ.气液固3相流动反应模型的建立


  21. 模拟结果和工业实测的出口温度和浓度相一致,从而证明了该数学模型对催化裂化提升管的预测是成功的。

    The simulated results at the outlet are in good agreement with the experimental data , which demonstrates that the mathematical model can successfully predict what happened in FCC riser reactor .

  22. 通过冷模实验,揭示了在传统结构的催化裂化提升管进料混合段内存在两个问题,即颗粒相返混严重以及反应管中各处催化剂在油、剂混相中浓度分布不一致。

    The cold-model experiments demonstrated two disadvantages of the traditional structure of feedstock injection-mixing zone in FCC riser , namely the particle phase backmixing and the non-uniformity of catalyst concentration in reactor catalyst-oil mixed phase .

  23. 在小型实验的基础上,结合工业改造方案,进行了大型冷模实验,开发了催化裂化提升管出口新型旋流式快速分离系统。

    Based on the laboratory experiment and combined with a commercial plant revamp project , large scale cold modeling experiment was carried out and a new vortex type fast separation system at FCCU riser outlet was developed .

  24. 从颗粒速度分布函数出发,推导出催化剂颗粒相流动方程,结合油气湍流流动,耦合集总动力学模型得到了新的催化裂化提升管反应器数学模型。

    From the function of velocity distribution of particles , flow equations of catalyst particles phase were deduced . A new mathematical model of FCC riser reactor was acquired by combining oil gas turbulent flow and coupling lumping dynamic models .

  25. 催化裂化提升管出口新型旋流式快分利用气固沿旋流头切向喷出时形成的强旋流实现快速的气固高效分离。

    With the new type of vortex quick separator in FCC riser outlet , gas-solid flow spraying out at tangent line to vortex separator forms a strong vortex flow field , so solid particles can be separated efficiently from the gas .

  26. 工业催化裂化提升管反应器内既存在着气固两相的湍流流动,又存在着传热和裂化反应,而且这些过程是相互影响、高度耦合在一起的。

    Not only were there the gas solid two phase turbulent flows , but also there were heat transfer and cracking reaction in the commercial flow catalytic cracking ( FCC ) riser reactors . These processes were influenced each other and were considerably coupling .

  27. 催化裂化再生斜管安定性分析

    Stability analysis of regeneration sloped pipe in FCCU

  28. 高温短接触催化裂化与提升管反应器的优化

    High - Temperature and Short - Contact Time Technology of FCC and Optimization of Riser Reactor

  29. 提出了一个用于描述流化催化裂化单元提升管反应器、沉降器及再生器动态行为的计算机仿真模型。

    A model for a fluid catalytic cracking ( FCC ) unit which describes the dynamic behavior of the riser , particle separator vessel and the regenerator is developed .

  30. 催化裂化装置用波纹管材料的耐蚀性能研究

    Corrosion Resistance of Bellow Materials for Catalytic Cracking Unit