
  • 网络ERW;HFW;ERW pipe
  1. 重点评述了螺旋缝埋弧焊管与直缝埋弧焊管、高频电阻焊管(ERW)与无缝钢管的比较与选择;

    It highlights the comparison and selection of SSAW pipe , LSAW pipe , ERW pipe and seamless pipe .

  2. 电阻焊管无鼓肚变形辊成型法

    ERW pipe formation process with non-bulging deformation roll

  3. 电阻焊管在混合硝酸盐溶液中的应力腐蚀破裂

    Stress Corrosion Cracking of ERW Pipes in Mixed Nitrate Solution

  4. 显微组织和热处理对直缝电阻焊管沟槽腐蚀的影响

    Effects of microstructure and heat-treatment on grooving corrosion of electric resistance welded pipes

  5. 电阻焊管在海底油气输送管道工程中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Electric - Resistance - Welded Pipe in Offshore Oil and Gas Pipeline Transmission Engineering

  6. 钢板中夹杂物对高频电阻焊管质量影响浅析

    Analysis of the Influence of Slag Inclusion in Steel Plate on the Quality of Electric Resistance Welding Pipeline

  7. 这个系统现已安装在了需要降低电气噪音的电阻焊管生产线上。

    This system has been installed on electric resistance welded pipe production line which demands to decrease electric noise .

  8. 足够时间的无相变退火可显著降低直缝电阻焊管焊接区的沟槽腐蚀敏感性。

    The annealing treatment with enough time below the phase transformation point reduces the grooving corrosion susceptibility of electric resistance welded pipes considerably .

  9. 在现代化钢铁联合企业建设大中直径电阻焊管机组的必要性中粗规格制绳钢丝生产工艺方法的研究

    The Necessity to Construct Large Middle Diameter ERW Steel Pipe Mill in Modernization Iron Steel Complex STUDY ON TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF MIDDLE DIAMETER ROPE WIRE

  10. 对我国的电阻焊管工业的生产情况作了分析,并指出造成这种情况的主客观原因。

    The production situation of ERW steel pipe industry in china is analyzed , and the subjective and objective reasons which caused the situation are pointed out .

  11. 本文阐述了激光焊管作为液压成形原材料在汽车零部件上的广泛运用,并对激光焊管与直缝电阻焊管作了比较。

    In this paper , The application of tailor welded tubes in hydroforming was discussed . And the difference between laser welded tubes and electrical resistance welding was compared .