
  • 网络Hot-rolled sheet;Hot-rolled thin plate;Hot-rolled steel plate
  1. CSP热轧薄板表面边裂成因初探

    Probing into Causes of Surface Edge Cracks on the CSP-Process Hot Rolled Sheet

  2. CSP生产的热轧薄板边裂的影响因素与控制

    Effect and control on edge cracks of hot - rolled light gauge strips in CSP line

  3. 通过大量的生产试验与数据,证明了钢中残余元素特别是Cu含量是引起热轧薄板边裂的主要原因。

    It is proved that content of residual elements of steel , especially copper , is the key factor on causing edge cracks of hot-rolled light gauge strips by mass of data of production practice .

  4. 介绍了唐山钢铁股份有限公司热轧薄板厂CSP生产线热轧工艺润滑系统的设计特点、调试过程、应用情况及日常维护应注意的问题。

    The design characteristics , debugging , application and maintenance of technology lubrication system are introduced , which is used in CSP line of Tangshan Iron & Steel Co. , Ltd. .

  5. BOF-LF-CSP工艺生产低碳热轧薄板的组织变化规律

    The evolution rule of microstructure of low carbon hot-rolling sheet steel that produced by bof-lf-csp technique

  6. 本文简述热轧薄板的市场应用情况,总结了珠钢CSP工艺技术开发和热轧薄板的生产过程及其产品质量情况,并展望热轧薄板生产技术新趋势。

    This article describes in brief the sales situation of hot-rolled thin strip , summarizes the CSP technology development , the processing and quality of hot-rolled thin strip in ZIS in which , the new trend of production technology is in prospect .

  7. 含铜热轧薄板是一种热处理强化类型钢,经时效热处理使铜析出,产生强烈沉淀硬化,钢的抗拉强度在原基础上提高200MPa以上。

    The Cu bearing hot rolled sheet steel is a heat treatment strengthened steel , and its strength is increased by 200 MPa by short time heat treatment after forming .

  8. 按市场需求建设热轧薄板轧机;

    Construction hot rolling mills according to the market demands ;

  9. 热轧薄板机轴瓦低镍高锰铜合金的研究和应用

    Study and Application on the Bearing Alloy Heating Rolling Mill for Thin Plates

  10. 邯钢热轧薄板镀锌线机组选型特点

    Characteristic of type selection of hot-rolling sheet zinc-plating line

  11. 热轧薄板冲压性能研究

    Study of pressing property of hot rolled sheet

  12. 热轧薄板自动切割取样系统设计

    Design and application of automatic cutting and sampling system of hot rolled thin slab

  13. 介绍了邯钢热轧薄板镀锌线工艺设备特点、主要设备性能及主要性能参数。

    The equipment and the key controlled parameter of HANGANG hot dip galvanizing line were introduced .

  14. 电除尘粉煤灰在马钢热轧薄板项目工程中的运用

    Application of Fly Ash Collected by Electrofilter in the Hot-Rolling Thinned-Plate Project in Ma An Shan Steel & Iron Works

  15. 从分析热轧薄板机轴瓦的工作特点和失效形式出发,论证了采用低镍高锰铜铝合金铸造轴瓦的可行性。

    The feasibility of casting bush with low Ni high Mn Cu-Al alloy was demonstrated through analysis of the working performance and failure of bush for hot plate mill .

  16. 以同规格连铸连轧技术生产的热轧薄板代替冷轧薄板进行汽车部件冲压生产,即为以热代冷。

    Use the same specification hot-rolling sheet by TSCR instead of cold-rolling products as the car plate stamping raw materials , which becomes the core of the subject " HRS Substituting CRS " .

  17. 本文分析了热轧薄板厂生产薄规格板材的优势及难点,着重介绍热轧薄板厂近年来稳定薄规格带钢生产,提高薄规格产品产量的主要措施及取得的效果。

    The text analysis the Advantage and Difficulty on Line of Products of Hot Rolled Sheet Factory . Emphasize recently holding on the measure and effectiveness for the thin specs of strip steel processing and improve product yield .

  18. 四辊轧机下支承辊总成的止推轴承破碎事故和油膜轴承进水事故,对热轧薄板的正常生产已构成了突出威胁。

    Accidents about the broken down of the thrust bearing and infiltration of water in - to the oil film bearing at the lower backup roll of the 4-high mill have constituted severe threats on the regular production of the hot rolled strip .

  19. 根据模型的预测和市场的需求,论述了近期在天津新建一套热轧薄板生产机组,年产100万t高附加值的热轧薄板带的必要性和可行性。

    According to market demand , to discus the necessity and feasibility to build up a new hot - rolled sheet mill in Tianjin , which produces hot - rolled sheet and strip of high - added value , with the annual capacity of one million tons .

  20. 冷弯性能是热轧中薄板带材的重要指标之一,冷弯试验是标准规定的必检项目,但在实际生产中经常出现冷弯不合格现象。

    The cold bending property is one of the important targets for the hot rolled strip , the cold bending test is required inspection item stipulated in the standards .