
  • 网络Hot cider;Hot cider toddy
  1. 那儿有热苹果酒可喝,不然你也可以喝烫过的葡萄酒。

    There 's hot cider to drink , or mulled wine if you prefer .

  2. 我要一点热苹果酒。

    I wanted a hot cider .

  3. 然后在聚会上一边播放CD,一边以节日饼干,热苹果酒等招待。

    Then , host a CD release party , complete with holiday cookies and hot apple cider .

  4. 让小组里的每个成员分享他们最爱的曲子,制作一个小组CD.然后在聚会上一边播放这些CD,一边以节日饼干,热苹果酒等招待他们。

    Have each person on the team share their favorite winter tune for a group CD . Then , host a CD release party , complete with holiday cookies and hot apple cider .

  5. 热苹果酒则通常加入肉桂和豆蔻调味。

    The hot apple cider is usually spiced up with cinnamon and nutmeg .

  6. 在热苹果酒或热葡萄酒里泡上一小袋混合香辛料定会让你乐不思蜀。

    Warming a sachet of fragrant mulling spices in some cider or wine will take you to beverage heaven .

  7. 餐后,客人们可以到酒吧间喝点热苹果酒,或者上楼到酒店的16间宽敞客房中休息。

    Afterward , guests can retire to the taproom for mulled cider , or walk upstairs to one of the inn 's 16 spacious rooms .