
  • 网络the undead
  1. 接受挑战并把那些不死生物送回地狱!

    Accept the challenge and send the undead back to hell !

  2. 长久以来亡灵法师们一直努力谨慎研究如何制造完美的不死生物。

    Necromancers through the ages have labored ceaselessly to bring about undead perfection .

  3. 纳泰尔,打击不死生物十分有成效,只是害怕恶魔。

    Natale , despite a fear of demons , was effective at banishing undead .

  4. 第二,你可以毁灭不死生物,它们是我们最憎恶的。

    Secondly , thou can smite the undead , for they are most abhorrent to us .

  5. 奥喀斯,掌管不死生物的恶魔领主,已经召集了众多各式各样的崇拜者。

    DC22 : Orcus , the Demon Prince of the Undead , has inspired numerous and varied cults .

  6. 然而,根据这个可怜的旅行者所说,显然骷髅远远无法与这种新出现的不死生物相比。

    But they are nothing compared to the new undead creature described to me by this poor fellow .

  7. 如果它们本身没有驱散不死生物的能力,那么可以获得每天3次这种能力。

    If they do not possess the ability to turn undead they gain the ability to do so3 / day .

  8. 不过,不死生物可以使用心灵转化系异能&但它们以魅力调整值作为该系异能的关键属性调整值。

    However , undead can use Psychokinesis powers & but they substitute their Charisma ability score as the key modifier with these powers .

  9. 我被派来封住这个门不让任何人进去,但是我被不死生物袭击了。幸运的是,你们及时地找到了我。

    I was sent in here to seal off the adjacent doors to keep anyone out , when I was ambushed by the undead . Luckily , you found me in time .

  10. 如果这些攻击还不足以击退敌人,巫医还拥有从阴间召唤不死生物的能力,将他敌人的血肉撕裂。

    As if these assaults were not enough , the witch doctor also had at his command the ability to summon undead creatures from the netherworld to rend the flesh from his enemy 's body .

  11. 不死生物不会受到重击,瘀伤,对物理属性的属性伤害,属性吸取,能量吸取,疲劳,力竭,或者因巨创而死。

    It is not subject to critical hits , nonlethal damage , ability damage to to its physical ability scores , ability drain , energy drain , fatigue , exhaustion , or death from massive damage .