
  • 网络indestructibility
  1. 虽然大多数时候要表现出金刚不坏之身,但CEO们也需要寻觅空间,可以袒露脆弱的一面。

    While they may have to appear bulletproof much of the time , they also need to find spaces where they can be fallible .

  2. 高盛毕竟不是金刚不坏之身。

    Goldman is mortal after all .

  3. 你明知麒飞是金钢不坏之身。

    You know Siegfried is invincible .

  4. 它表达了一种最强大,同时最不被人承认的魔法诱惑:追求金刚不坏之身。

    It addresses one of the greatest , and least acknowledged , temptations of magic : the quest for invulnerability .